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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for your prayers.  We had a fabulous Sunday service here in Panama and our message was a capitalization of everything the pastor has been preaching and teaching on over the last six weeks.  The Word of the Lord was so strong that more than half of the church responded to the alter call.  In the Saturday service prior we spoke to leadership and God was present to heal.  Tonight we are on National radio here in Panama. In the evening we are speaking at the Intercontinental Hotel to an elite group of national leaders.  Wednesday we are back in Panama City, speaking to our host church and inviting members of the Chinese community to the service.  Thursday we are meeting one of the top ministries in prisons.  Friday we are the guests of Hosanna Church, the largest church in Panama with about 20,000 in membership.  Please pray for a special anointing as that is the kick off service for a special week end that will cultimate in a nation wide broadcast on television Sunday afternoon. 

Pray for a strong anointing with clarity of thought concerning the mission that we are here assigned by God, and that is to stir up a nation to involve themselves in reaching nations for Christ.  Pray that God would reach the unsaved through the Word the Lord has us to share and pray that God would bring a great synthesis of unity to the hundreds of churches across Panama.  We know this is a tall order but we also know One Who is Big enough to fill it and His Name is Emmanuel, God with us, Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Thank you for all your covering as we are continuing to prepare ourselves in the midst of this mission for our next assignment which is China.  Going to China is returning back to Sara's roots and a fulfillment of a dream that is supported by years of prayer.  We are still trusting God for miracle funding to help orphaned children and the cell group churches.  Pray for our safety because some of the areas we are going into are presently under Martial Law.  Pray for wisdom and discernment and knowing who we should trust and who NOT to trust.  Most of all pray for a strong anointing that we can be a balm in Gilead, pouring the oil of the Holy Ghost into Christ's wounded Body.

Our love to the family of God and to all those who are covering us in prayer. 

Yours for Myriads & Millions lost,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Video: Friday July 13th 2008. Friday Harbor, WA.

God's plan for the Last Days

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Monday, April 7, 2008

Video: Monday, March 17th 2008

Inspire Others To Rise Up

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Stories From Russia & Matthew 13: Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

The Fields Are Ripe, And Ready To Harvest!

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Video Interview: Thursday, March 13th, 2008

A candid interview from Richard and Sarah:
Walk by Faith

Topics Include
  • Government Leaders changed from adversaries to advocates
  • God Can Change Families
  • God's Provisions
  • God's Prayer Covering
  • How do you hear God's Voice
  • Accomplishing the Supernatural by letting God's Spirit lead you

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Sunday, March 9, 2008

Richard & Sara Michalski's Recent Calendar Update:
March 11th - @ 12:00 noon F.G.B.M.F. Issaquah Denny's  (Richard) 
March 13th @ 12:00 noon Bellevue Crab Pot (Sara)
March 20th - Depart to minister in Panama through March 26th
March 28th - Conference held at St. John's Episcopal church
105 State St. South, Kirkland, WA. 98033 (Please contact Mark Anderson for information: (425) 893-9999 or his email:
March 29th - Saturday Richard will be sharing at the conference from 1:00 - 3:00 P.M.
Ed Allen will be sharing from 4:00 - 6:00 and Bruce Anderson from 9:30 A.M. to 11:00.
APRIL 1st through 7th- ORCC Marilyn Hickey's church - Mission's Conference
APRIL 23RD - April 30th - Veracruz, Mexico & San Pueblo, Mexico
MAY 1st through May 19th - Ministering in Mexico
May 14th - May 17th - Sara ministering at National Woman's Conference in Monterrey, Mexico
May end (Making preparations for ministering in  Ukraine in June with a team).

Friday, February 8, 2008

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ!

Dear Friends,

Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ!

Thank you so much for all your prayers. The crusades with Evangelist Mikel French in St. Petersburg went very well. We were able to gather 800-900 people, 270 of them accepted Chris as their Lord and Savor. Today there are about a hundred people regularly coming to Sunday services in St. Petersburg. Praise God! We keep doing everything possible for God’s Kingdom to be established in Russia.

In Ulyanovsk 25 people come regularly to Sunday church services.

In January we also had series of crusades in Voronezh, Saratov and Syktyvkar. In Voronezh 170 people came to the meetings, 50 reconciled with the Lord and 15 come to Sunday services of the new church established there.

There were 150 people at crusades in Saratov, 30 of them accepted Christ and about 40 regularly come to Sunday services.

Our outreach meetings in Syktyvkar were attended by 250 people, 200 of them repented. The church in Syktyvkar was planted a couple of years ago and today they account for 120 people. Pastor Pavel is a dynamic minister with a great potential. We believe together we can reach the whole Komi Republic.

In the second half of March we are planning to set up crusades in Tambov. In the next couple of days the team of ministers will go to that city to do the preoperational work.

In March students of our Bible School will visit Saratov.

I believe, with God’s help, we will be able to effectively use the time and opportunities trusted us. We are grateful to the Lord for His movement and your support. All great victories always start with a prayer. Please keep standing with us.

There is nothing impossible with God!


Pastor Edward Grabovenko &

The New Testament Church in Perm, Russia