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Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank you for your prayers.  We had a fabulous Sunday service here in Panama and our message was a capitalization of everything the pastor has been preaching and teaching on over the last six weeks.  The Word of the Lord was so strong that more than half of the church responded to the alter call.  In the Saturday service prior we spoke to leadership and God was present to heal.  Tonight we are on National radio here in Panama. In the evening we are speaking at the Intercontinental Hotel to an elite group of national leaders.  Wednesday we are back in Panama City, speaking to our host church and inviting members of the Chinese community to the service.  Thursday we are meeting one of the top ministries in prisons.  Friday we are the guests of Hosanna Church, the largest church in Panama with about 20,000 in membership.  Please pray for a special anointing as that is the kick off service for a special week end that will cultimate in a nation wide broadcast on television Sunday afternoon. 

Pray for a strong anointing with clarity of thought concerning the mission that we are here assigned by God, and that is to stir up a nation to involve themselves in reaching nations for Christ.  Pray that God would reach the unsaved through the Word the Lord has us to share and pray that God would bring a great synthesis of unity to the hundreds of churches across Panama.  We know this is a tall order but we also know One Who is Big enough to fill it and His Name is Emmanuel, God with us, Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Thank you for all your covering as we are continuing to prepare ourselves in the midst of this mission for our next assignment which is China.  Going to China is returning back to Sara's roots and a fulfillment of a dream that is supported by years of prayer.  We are still trusting God for miracle funding to help orphaned children and the cell group churches.  Pray for our safety because some of the areas we are going into are presently under Martial Law.  Pray for wisdom and discernment and knowing who we should trust and who NOT to trust.  Most of all pray for a strong anointing that we can be a balm in Gilead, pouring the oil of the Holy Ghost into Christ's wounded Body.

Our love to the family of God and to all those who are covering us in prayer. 

Yours for Myriads & Millions lost,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries