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Thursday, May 24, 2007


After Sara's mother's home-going (Nadejda Ilyin); Sara needed a time of healing and renewal. However, Sara being as unique as she is has a different way of expressing that renewal. She is flying down to join Leah, our daughter in California in order to truck up Leah's personal belongings back to Seattle after a year's absence in West Hollywood. While in California Leah ministered at the Oasis Church as well as did some work at the Dream Center with Pastor Matthew Burnett. We are requesting for your prayers as it makes the 1,500 mile trip back home driving a big U-haul truck challenging. They plan to depart on Sunday afternoon on May 27th, hoping to arrive in Seattle by Tuesday.

Over this same week-end, Richard will be preaching at the Ukrainian Assembly of God Church in Kent, Washington on May 27th at 10:00 in the morning and 6:00 P.M. The emphasis will be, "Pentecost Today" as this is the Pentecost week-end. The address is:

Ukrainian Assembly of God Church
Pastor Alexander Shevchenko
23435 - 104th Ave. S.E.
Kent, WA. 98031 Tel: (253) 850-7111

It would be great if we could see some of our friends from that area in the service. Thank you so much for being part of our lives, ministry and family. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you and use you for His Kingdom.

In Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. Box 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 882-0761 email:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Translated “Chat” session with Erika Rodriguez April 17th (from Mexico)

Hello My dear friend, please tell brother Richard and Sara that we are living the prayer he made, just as it happened with the teenagers in the retreat, it has now happened with the youth group.

3 Teenagers returned and they were unable to stop speaking in tongues even today they are unable to speak Spanish.  And Sunday night all the youth group prayed over the adults in the church and started ministering to them, and they started falling under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prayed over a father and his little boy of 3 years old, and they both fell to the floor under the anointing of the Lord. Pastor Paco was very happy he received around 15 prophetic words from the young ones, it was so incredible, like 4 of them hugging him at the same time, and they left and another four came to pray over him and he was zapp on the floor, I cried and cried.  The meeting finished at 12:30 but not until the pastor was able to grab the microphone and dismiss us, it was an amazing scene, to see the youth hugging the parents, and the elderly so beautiful!  Many are still speaking in tongues unable to speak a word in Spanish, other young ones are speaking with an American accent, others are speaking in Chinese, a sister started speaking in portuguese, we took out all the chairs, everything and everybody were laying on the floor under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.   This is crazy but "Welcome Precious Holy Sprit" a sister was telling me, that from another church where she used to attend before, they called her and asked her what are we doing at the Church "La Fe" because everywhere they hear of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the Lord is bringing,   


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News from Monterey Mexican Nationals


Beloved  Brother Richard and Sister Sara,

Thank you for sharing such glorious and precious testimony, with us, we are praying for the comfort of the Holy Spirit  over your lives, you are in our hearts.

Thank you for being such a living testimony of your love, passion and surrender to the obedience and voice of the Holy Spirit, the breakthrough and the open heavens you left in the church and in the lives of many of us.  There are no words that could describe what the Holy Spirit has been orchestrating. We've been in the new building for 2 weeks now… and there is such a Joy and rejoice during praise, a brokenness in the worship and an amazing conviction during the message.  Pastor Paco is not even finished sharing the message and the souls are coming to Christ.  Last week 50 new souls came to accept the Lord,  it's like waves of the presence of the Holy Spirit bathing his church.  I have no words to describe what the Holy Spirit is doing… the teenagers/youth group are doing evangelistic campaigns in schools, and parks.  The church is going for evangelistic outreaches, there is a hunger like never before for His Presence, Thank YOU.  Thank you for literally being at the altar of sacrifice and pay the price so we could live these glorious times which we are guarding with a holy reverence because we don't want the visitation to end.  The first Sunday in the new building the church was completely full, there were people even standing, over a 1,000 people.  There is a great expectation on what Will Jesus do Today?, it's so precious….no earthly words can describe the visitation of the groom to the bride, Thank YOU.

In my life there has been a complete revolution that the Lord has brought to my heart, been learning about all this new area, which I had no idea of,  heavens have been left open at home, in the middle of the  night .. the Holy Spirit wakes me up to have communion with him there is a hunger and thirst, so many words in the Bible have come alive.  I know you understand me… there are no words to describe this…his presence its so beautiful…unspeakable… just to be there and wait on him… Thank you! Thank you!

My heart will always be full of gratitude and honor to you for what you did for this servant.

How are you sister Sara?  How is brother Richard?  His feet?  We are praying for you.

Receive Rufeshka and Ignacio's Love and prayers as well, she left today to Quito Ecuador to minister, but sends her Love and prayers.

I Love you,



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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


As you may or may not have heard, Sara and I with great personal regret celebrated Nadejda Ilyin's "HOME GOING" May 3rd, 2007What you didn't hear was the glorious account of over a week of being suspended, sometimes in heaven, sometimes on earth and sometimes between the two.  God answered Sara's prayer in that she was allowed to see her mother upon our return from ministering in Mexico.  What a glorious several weeks the family had, singing the songs of the Lord, reading the Word of God aloud and praying one for another. 
In the final days of Nadejda's life, she helped us unlock some Spiritual secrets.  For example: She said there is a huge difference between heavenly angels and earthly angels.  The heavenly angels not only are bigger with a beautiful tan, bronze look, with skin that is so radiant that it shines like it was on fire, but they are also different in that they often speak in three's saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy," "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah," and "AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!"  In one of these meetings with mom, we were introduced to Moses, who by the way according to mom's account is very tall.  We also by her accounting were introduced to King David and to Isaiah.  These introductions were paled by our being personally introduced to the Heavenly host by mom.  For example: Nadejda would say, "This is Richard, Sara's husband.  He is a preacher of the Gospel  you know and he has a pure heart."  My brother in law, Paul was introduced as a singer in the church choir and was said to be a "Nazarite", again, with a pure heart.  At these moments, Nadejda recognized everyone coming into the room; knew them on their first name basis but would look past them and introduce them to the heavenly host.  These final days were punctuated by her releasing every one that had offended her and every thought of ill will plus interceded prophetically over each one of our lives.  We saw a sense of humor with a gregarious laughter, underscoring her speech. 
One of the things we saw her do which is so uncharacteristic of her conservative, Slavic up-bringing, is she would put both thumbs up in response to what the angels were saying and doing.  With a huge smile on her face, she would say, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah" and end it with "AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!. The doctors and nurses were amazed, though her body was ravaged by cancer as her organs closed down, she was in NO PAIN. She was quick to tell us that the water we were giving her was so polluted and dirty compared to the pure, refreshing water of heaven that satisfies the soul. 
Nadejda left a legacy of seven children and their spouses, 21 grandchildren and one great grandchild, all redeemed and serving Christ with gladness.  She will be greatly missed due to her fervent prayers, intercession and her passion for the Word and the lost.  It will take many intercessors to fill the gap and take her place.  A few of you have responded in the memorial contribution that we have opened up in honor of Nadejda's memory, which being translated, means, 'HOPE". Michael, Nadejda's husband will be going to Siberia with us in the end of June and July to continue the work and vision the Lord enabled them to begin. So in order to continue the legacy of helping the poor, the homeless and the orphaned, from Siberia to Central China, please send your tax deductible contributions to:
IMPACT MINISTRIES, marking the memo line: "HOPE FUND".
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Thank you for all your prayers, phone calls, emails, cards and letters.  What would any of us do without the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ!
Yours in Christ for Souls,
Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries 

The blogger writes: The death of the saints is precious in the sight of the Lord. Nadejda was in transition from this world into eternity, this is very different from spiritalists and seers. Please understand that Nadejda was a spectacular saint, and had a spectacular going home to heaven. I hope we are all encouraged by the glimpse of heavenly hosts reaveled in this blog, and realize how important intersessors are.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dear family & Friends

We thank everyone for their prayers and caring via flowers, cards, meals, visits and phone calls.  Nadejda Ilyin, Sara's mother, our friend, our prayer covering went home to be with the Lord shortly after 6:00 A.M. May 3rd, 2007, at age 84 peacefully, passing away into the arms of Jesus at home, surrounded by her loving family.
"...the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the Faith.  Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."  II Tim. 4:6-8
Truly our mother fought a good fight, finished the course and now is receiving her crown and her reward at the feet of Jesus Christ, The One Who she passionately loved and served all the days of her life.  We celebrate with her and ask for the comfort of the Holy Spirit for the family and the grieving.  We pray for God's peace, salvation and blessing to be upon all your loved ones.
Nadejda said she had one more mission to accomplish.  We believe that her mission was fulfilled and complete as she saw a unified family of seven children, their spouses, 21 grandchildren and one great grandchild, all serving God.
In their retirement, Michael and Nadejda Ilyin worked passionately in Third World countries for the poor and underprivileged and at risk children.  We have set up a memorial fund in Nadejda's memory so in lieu of flowers, donations could be sent to continue their vision of reaching the lost, helping the widows, and the orphans. Please send donations to: "HOPE FUND" (Nadejda in Russian means 'Hope'):
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 992-0761