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Sunday, May 20, 2007

News from Monterey Mexican Nationals


Beloved  Brother Richard and Sister Sara,

Thank you for sharing such glorious and precious testimony, with us, we are praying for the comfort of the Holy Spirit  over your lives, you are in our hearts.

Thank you for being such a living testimony of your love, passion and surrender to the obedience and voice of the Holy Spirit, the breakthrough and the open heavens you left in the church and in the lives of many of us.  There are no words that could describe what the Holy Spirit has been orchestrating. We've been in the new building for 2 weeks now… and there is such a Joy and rejoice during praise, a brokenness in the worship and an amazing conviction during the message.  Pastor Paco is not even finished sharing the message and the souls are coming to Christ.  Last week 50 new souls came to accept the Lord,  it's like waves of the presence of the Holy Spirit bathing his church.  I have no words to describe what the Holy Spirit is doing… the teenagers/youth group are doing evangelistic campaigns in schools, and parks.  The church is going for evangelistic outreaches, there is a hunger like never before for His Presence, Thank YOU.  Thank you for literally being at the altar of sacrifice and pay the price so we could live these glorious times which we are guarding with a holy reverence because we don't want the visitation to end.  The first Sunday in the new building the church was completely full, there were people even standing, over a 1,000 people.  There is a great expectation on what Will Jesus do Today?, it's so precious….no earthly words can describe the visitation of the groom to the bride, Thank YOU.

In my life there has been a complete revolution that the Lord has brought to my heart, been learning about all this new area, which I had no idea of,  heavens have been left open at home, in the middle of the  night .. the Holy Spirit wakes me up to have communion with him there is a hunger and thirst, so many words in the Bible have come alive.  I know you understand me… there are no words to describe this…his presence its so beautiful…unspeakable… just to be there and wait on him… Thank you! Thank you!

My heart will always be full of gratitude and honor to you for what you did for this servant.

How are you sister Sara?  How is brother Richard?  His feet?  We are praying for you.

Receive Rufeshka and Ignacio's Love and prayers as well, she left today to Quito Ecuador to minister, but sends her Love and prayers.

I Love you,



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