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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Most automobile manufacturers insist on major tune-ups often at the thirty, sixty and a hundred thousand, mile mark. Our bodies need tuning more frequently than these lengthy intervals and thanks to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that God makes this possible in a daily provision as we seek His face. In missions work, it is not that we would often eat a deadly thing but rather that we are exposed to variances of diet, water, weather and other variables that take their toll on our bodies. God likens our body to a temple of the Holy Spirit and what we put into our temple is just as important as what comes out of our temple in the form of verbage and action. In automotive terms,"You are a Ferrari" and God never intended that you fuel your tank with fish oil. God's optimum is high test, carefully refined, fuel and oil of the finest degree to make your motor run according to the manufacturers specifications and manual.

I am beginning to realize some of the Old Testament laws that God had put in place was not filler space of types and shadows, bridging us into the New Testament but rather by the inspiration and wisdom of God,all of what is written and said in the Word has merit for us in the 21st Century. On the mission field, sometimes "fish oil" is the only fuel available and I am presently undergoing a sixty-year tune-up. My filters have been changed, my spark plugs have been changed and I am coming home with a new vitality and vision for what God wants to do through Sara and I and Impact Ministries in the future. The treatments here in Perm, Russia have consistently brought my blood pressure down to 120/70 and my blood sugars have been returned to the normal range. I feel new strength in my legs and my heart doesn't seem to be stressed out, despite the very HOT TEMPERATURES and stair climbing we have been doing daily to our fourth floor of our apartment.

We attribute this most of all to the mercy of God's healing covenant, provided by the stripes of Calvary in Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank each of you who have affectively released that covenant and its efficatious application to our lives through your prayers. Sara has had several other health issues that God has addressed which we are also eternally grateful for. We thank God for each of you that covered us with your prayers, your giving and just being our friends. God is better to us than our feeble words can tell and we can indeed say with the "Psalmist" "That the lines of our life have fallen into pleasant places." Isaiah is right when he declares, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint."

Thank you for waiting with us and believing together for our heavenly tune-up. We are coming home July 26th, renewed in the Lord and the power of His might, due largely to your agreed participation and prayers. God bless each and everyone of you with health, healing and God's greatest happiness in your lives and family.

In Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500


I have often said, "It really pays to know the 'Weatherman". I am not referring to the syndicated news of ABC, NBC, CBS or FOX News. I am however, referring to the 'Weather Man" of 'AIJ" which stands for ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB, the God of the Bible. From one cover of the Scripture to another, from the opening chapters of Genesis to the final chapters of Revelation, God's divine intervention have often been punctuated by the weather. The Psalmist declares that "Lightening goes before Him and the clouds are but the dust of His feet. He rides upon the wind and the storm obeys His Word."

It came as a personal revelation to me the other night as the Lord spoke to me in a form of a question. The question being, "Haven't you noticed, son that when you come into a city or a nation; when Sara and you come prayed up, the level of Spiritual conflict is often manifested by sudden changes in the weather?" I remember just a few short years ago, we brought a team with us from City Church and several other churches. Pastor Jay Smith, one of the associate pastors from another church has blessed the Body of christ as a gifted song writer. He had a melody in his heart and head for ten years but no words to complete the song. While flying to the Ukraine with us, at 30,000 feet in the air, the words began to flow, "Letit rain upon the Ukraine as never before; Let it rain on the Ukraine with the floy of the Lord. I can see the lightening flashing; I can hear the thunder roar; Let it rain upon the Ukraine, with the Glory of the Lord."

Several nights later in a village venue, Pastor Jay decided to sing this song with God's new words. Just as he began to sing in an area that had not seen rain for over three months, God punctuated the daybeau of the song with lightening flashing and the roar of thunder. Needless to say, the congregation and all under the covering of this "House" were electrified by the punctuation of Heaven. As he began to sing, the tin roof of the church began to be pelted with a heavy saturating rain. Heaven was making a statement and earth got the message in the Ukraine.

As I watched the news real the other night, here in Perm, Russia, the news was punctuated by a heatwave and fires in Greece, Crete and France; a snowstorm in Austria and a heat-wave in New York. Jesus rebuked His generation for being able to discern the skies and not know the hour of their visitation. Is it possible that all nature is convulsing and groaning for Its' REDEMPTION AND THE RETURN OF THE LORD, JESUS CHRIST! Perhaps our generation needs to be rebuked because we see all these things happen and so many millions on the planet are unaware of the part that weather is playing in the final pageant of time.

When in the Ukraine a few weeks ago, one of the elders made a statement that resonated in my Spirit. He said, "We are so glad to see you and your team because whenever you come to town, the weather dramatically changes." Our cry before the Lord upon our leaving the Ukraine was, "Lord, one more time, bring the rain to this dry and thirsty land." I can see the tears of the 'babushka's from the villages telling us this summer, "All we have left from the crop is straw; all else has been burned away from the heat. Unless God does a miracle, we will have nothing to eat!" During the time of Elijah, there was a famine where it had not rained for 3 1/2 years, yet God had provided for His Prophet through blessing a widow and her son. Whether God supernaturally ministers to these widows or better yet, the rain falls on the just and the unjust.

Let the testimony of the Lord fill the land that God answers the prayers of the destitute and hears the cry of His own. The day we were preparing to leave the Southern Ukraine, already the clouds were beginning to form and light rains were beginning to fall here and there. Our petition and prayer is, " Lord, let it RAIN ON THE UKRAINE, both in the natural and in the SUPERNATURAL."

Pray with us that the testimony and the goodness of the Lord will lead many wayward sons and daughters to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ through the tangible testimonies they understand; food on their table and grain in their garners. Let it be Lord for your NAME SAKE, AMEN! In Christ for the Whitened Harvest,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sara and Richard meetings in Seattle

Sara is scheduled to speak at a Noon lunch on Thursday 8/2 and Richard will speak at a noon lunch on Thursday 8/9 at the Crab Pot restaurant on lake Bellevue. Go to for more info.

Richard will also be speaking at a Noon lunch on Tuesday 8/7 at the Denny's in Issaquah off Gillman blvd. For more info go to: the public is welcome.

Exciting special details of the Russian trip will be given

News From Russia

We are still receiving medical treatment here in Perm as well as ministering in the surrounding areas. Today we led one of the top doctors who has been treating Richard to the Lord. The process has reduced Richard's blood pressure to 120/70 and his glucose in his blood has been brought down to normal. The only one drawback to the procedure is, Dr. IGOR's solution to everything is a bigger needle. Any moment we are expecting to meet Dr. "Frankenstein". It has been a very interesting journey from the fruitfulness of our ministry trip in Ukraine where we saw over a thousand decisions for Christ to Russia where we have seen handfuls come to the Lord. We are trusting God for final weekends of 500 Kilometers north of Moscow in an area where we have never ministered to before, a region not too far from Arch Angel, where numerous churches are coming together for Evangelism like we had in Kansk. We are praying and believing God that His Holy Spirit will be present to save, heal and deliver.

Thank you for entering into our fruitful harvest, your prayers and intercession and sacrificial giving. As you have sown and as we have watered, God has been faithful to give us increase. We have seen many astounding miracles, including large cancerous growths instantly removed, hearing in the middle ear restored and dizziness for many years stopped by the power of Christ. Children coming to Christ have been coming by the bucket fulls, alcoholics, drunks and Satanists were jeering and mocking in the last crusade, were instantly sobered by the fear of the Lord to a quick transition of weeping and repenting. All this fruit is on your account that have joined us in covenanting with your covering through prayers and giving.

We get home the end of July.

Love in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski

PHASE I of our Eastern European trip completed

PHASE I of our Eastern European trip was completed.

We saw well over a thousand decisions for Christ and our last meeting in the Ukraine with NoondaySun saw several thousand young people gathered together on a Sunday afternoon for the International Day of the Child Festival. Some of the crowd was drunk and hostile; others were Satanists trying to disrupt the meeting and trying to put a curse on our team members, but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." I John 4

The authority of Christ came upon us and Richard spoke to their laughter, saying, "You may be laughing now, but unless you come to Christ and repent of your sins, there will come a day when your laughter will cease and you will be crying out for mercy." It was like a shockwave that hit the crowd and a Godly silence hit the people. Moments later multiplied hundreds raised their hand for Salvation, prayed the sinners prayer of repentance and received New Testaments.

Thank you for making these miracles possible through your giving and through your prayer covering. We were able to purchase over 100,000 Russian New Testaments. During our leadership and women's conference, God was present to heal. We received a testimony of a Cancerous growth that was instantly removed and scores of other testimonies of hearing being restored, ulcers being healed, stomach disorders instantly being cured by Christ and speech being restored; all by the precious blood and power of Jesus Christ. God's mercy flowed like a stream among these precious people in the Ukraine as hundreds of hands were raised in our conference, attesting to the healing power of the stripes of Christ.

Thank you again for your covering and prayer.

PHASE II of our trip takes us today by rail, 23 hours into the Ural mountains where we will be ministering until our return to Moscow on the 20th where we will be traveling 500 kilometers, 8 hours by train from Moscow by rail and ministering to a grouping of churches where we have never been to before. Their youth are coming together in several cities and we are believing together for a mighty visitation from the throne of God. Pray that God will save the lost, heal the sick, transform families and that Jesus would be greatly glorified. Pray for our health and our medical treatments that we will be undertaking while we are in the Ural Mountains and we are believing God for a complete healing in this season of our life and ministry.

Gratefully Yours in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500