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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

PHASE I of our Eastern European trip completed

PHASE I of our Eastern European trip was completed.

We saw well over a thousand decisions for Christ and our last meeting in the Ukraine with NoondaySun saw several thousand young people gathered together on a Sunday afternoon for the International Day of the Child Festival. Some of the crowd was drunk and hostile; others were Satanists trying to disrupt the meeting and trying to put a curse on our team members, but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." I John 4

The authority of Christ came upon us and Richard spoke to their laughter, saying, "You may be laughing now, but unless you come to Christ and repent of your sins, there will come a day when your laughter will cease and you will be crying out for mercy." It was like a shockwave that hit the crowd and a Godly silence hit the people. Moments later multiplied hundreds raised their hand for Salvation, prayed the sinners prayer of repentance and received New Testaments.

Thank you for making these miracles possible through your giving and through your prayer covering. We were able to purchase over 100,000 Russian New Testaments. During our leadership and women's conference, God was present to heal. We received a testimony of a Cancerous growth that was instantly removed and scores of other testimonies of hearing being restored, ulcers being healed, stomach disorders instantly being cured by Christ and speech being restored; all by the precious blood and power of Jesus Christ. God's mercy flowed like a stream among these precious people in the Ukraine as hundreds of hands were raised in our conference, attesting to the healing power of the stripes of Christ.

Thank you again for your covering and prayer.

PHASE II of our trip takes us today by rail, 23 hours into the Ural mountains where we will be ministering until our return to Moscow on the 20th where we will be traveling 500 kilometers, 8 hours by train from Moscow by rail and ministering to a grouping of churches where we have never been to before. Their youth are coming together in several cities and we are believing together for a mighty visitation from the throne of God. Pray that God will save the lost, heal the sick, transform families and that Jesus would be greatly glorified. Pray for our health and our medical treatments that we will be undertaking while we are in the Ural Mountains and we are believing God for a complete healing in this season of our life and ministry.

Gratefully Yours in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500