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Friday, January 5, 2007

December Newsletter

Dear Family in the Faith,
We trust you have had a blessed Christmas with your family and friends.  Sara and I enjoyed a great Christmas with all of our family.  We are looking forward to a God directed and anointed time of Harvest in the New Year. 
In January, our calendar has rolled back to departing for Siberia on January 16th instead of the 10th into the Far East Regions where we have never gone to before.  We will be preaching in crusades in four cities for the first time: Ekaterinburg, Bratsk, Krasnayarsk, Angarsk.  We will be returning to cities where we have preached in Perm and Irkutsk. 
To date, we have received $1,600 dollars toward our $5,000 dollar budget needed for transportation and land cost.  This does not include several thousand dollars needed to purchase New Testaments for the new converts or the purchase of additional Chinese New Testaments to be released from the warehouse.  As you may know, this year we have already purchased and delivered half of the one million Chinese New Testaments from an Islamic Republic to the heart of China's Revival.  Our goal, with your help and God's is to empty the other half of the warehouse as Chinas Church has an estimated 75 million members, desiring their first time Scripture portions. 
You can help us make an eternal difference, whether in Siberia or in Northern China, we need some miracle releases between now and our departure on January 16th.  If you would like a short China DVD to get your friends and family involved, then please email us with your mailing address and we will get it out to you as soon as possible.  Praying to hear from you TODAY AS TO THE LEVEL OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT and we ask you to believe with us for the HARVEST OF THOUSANDS OF SOULS IN SIBERIA
Please contact us via email, phone or regular mail so we can rejoice in the meeting of our budget with thanksgiving to God. 
Yours for Myriads and Millions Lost,
Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500