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Saturday, January 20, 2007

News From Siberia

Richard and Sarah had a spectacular group of meetings and ministry time in Perm, numerous salvations and a great move of the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

Unfortunately Richard became progressively worse in health, with his body retaining fluids and his blood pressure rising to the point that he should be in the hospital and cancel the rest of the trip. They had to rest for several days, but felt that God's call was on this trip and they were not going to give up. The attending doctor went into all night prayer Wednesday night. The next morning the doctor checked out Richard again, and pronounced a miracle healing. His physical appearance had a marked change, and the water retention problem disappeared. His blood pressure returned to normal, and the doctor pronounced him ok for travel. To quote them: The doctor was amazed and they were all rejoicing in the lord. The trip is back on schedule.

They can be reached by phone for several day's now (try either one and be mindful of the timezone change)
011 3912 776 536
011 8913 838 9290

Edit: Their son Jason Michalski Preached at the University District Campus just north of the University of Washington. In the middle of the sermon (32 minutes into it) you can hear the testimony of Richards miraculous healing. God is truly Awesome!
Generation Church: January 24th 2007