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Wednesday, April 18, 2007


In 2006 when we were picked up at the airport by Ruth & Ignasio. They asked if they could pray for us. Before we even left the airport parking area in Monterrey, Mexico, the prayer had changed to prophecy. Almost all the way from the airport to the hotel, the Lord spoke prophetically into our lives, highlighting prayer burdens that we have had for years and were not verbalized to anyone. When we arrived to the hotel where the conference would be held the next day, Ruth said to us, "One more thing." I thought to myself, "Could we possibly handle this, 'one more thing'? As already we were in a puddle of tears in the van. The 'One more thing' she referenced was a vision her father had forty-five years earlier. As a missionary to Southern Mexico among the Chapas people, Ruth's father saw a vision. Ruth said, "these are his exact words".
"In the end of days a missionary couple from Russia will be coming to Mexico. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and comes from a German background. His wife is Russian, Jewish and born in China. God will use them as a stirring stick to bring revival to many of the Churches in Mexico."
Then sister Ruth turned and pointed to us and said, "You are the fulfillment of that prophetic word".

This now is our second ministry trip to Mexico in recent years. We are seeing God fulfill His prophetic word. On Thursday night last week at the youth camp, the prophetic Word that the Lord declared through us was that He would pour out His Holy Spirit even in the night time and they would be surprised at the magnitude of it in the morning. God filled several people with the Holy Spirit and so mighty was their infilling of the Holy Spirit that some of them couldn't speak in Spanish for days. When calling friends and family or talking to their friends at camp, they replied in tongues. They tried to tell their family on the phone what had happened and again could only speak in the language of the Holy Spirit. Some were so mightily touched that for four days, they were not able to speak in Spanish and were concerned how they would talk once they had to go back to school today.

Two nights later, a similar outpouring of the Holy Spirit fell upon the college career camp, 18 through 30 years of age. Here the promise of the Lord was that He would give waters for them to swim in. At the leading of the Lord, we took water from our water bottle and made a line of declaration across the sanctuary of the camp. Many of the young people just where they knelt were inside that line were touched mightily by the Lord. The Word of the Lord to me just as I was leaving the camp was that the Lord had more in store for them the next day. Their service the next morning started at 10:00 A.M. and it went until 5:00 P.M. without any break. Manna from heaven came down. The youth then traveled from the camp to their evening church service at 6:30 P.M. in Monterrey. They were asked to share testimonies that night in their church as to what God had done to them at camp. One of the words Sara received was that God would make them a flame of fire and obviously the fire of God was still burning. Many testified that they still felt like they were in an inferno of God's Holy Fire.

The youth began ministering to the people in the church and with the churchbeing packed to capacity, standing room only and people sitting on the floor, things got a bit messy in the natural, but glorious in the Spiritual.As people were being prayed for by the young people, the Holy Spirit fell on the congregation as well as on staff and leadership of the church. The 6:30 service dismissed sometime after 12:30 at night.

We thank all of our prayer partners for their prayer covering and we need special focused prayer for this coming week-end as we start ministeringFriday, Saturday, (four times on Sunday) and Sara is ministering in anotherlocation in the evening. We need the stamina of the Holy Spirit and we need a refreshing from the Holy Ghost. After Sunday we have meetings daily until the April 26th, where we leave to minister in Panama until May 3rd. There we have meetings daily in churches as well as city wide crusades. We want God's Miraculous power to come down upon His people and to bring in a mighty harvest of Souls in Panama. Praying for God's signs and wonders to accompany God's Word so that the people will be established not in the words of man's wisdom but in power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for our health as well. God bless.

Richard &andp; Sara Michalski

with Impact Ministries

P.O. BOX 2500

REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ministry update from Monterrey Mexico

We are presently ministering in churches in Monterrey, Mexico and just finished a fantastic week-end at King's Castle churches. Have been invited back for their Mission's Convention on November 24th through Dec. 2nd of this year.

The services have been overwhelming where there have been people coming to Christ in every service, people been healed and set free by the power of Jesus Christ. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers, your sacrificial giving and your investment into our lives and ministry. Your partnering with us makes an eternal difference in the souls the Lord touches. We have seen Salvations in every service, healings and the word of Knowledge in deliverance affecting scores of individuals and families. We were in eight hours of services on Sunday, but thanks to the prayers of God's people, our health is strong.

We will be in Panama from the 26th of April through May 2nd in citywide crusades and churches, and will be returning home to Seattle on May 4th.

The Impact ministries support group writes: We are witnessing an amazing move of God on this trip. This trip to Central America and Mexico is the "spectacular" fulfilment of 3 documented prophecies. The first prophetic word was given in Mexico over 30 years ago, and the other 2 prophetic words were given in 2006. This trip to Mexico and Panama is just the first leg of this prophetic journey which will involve other nations Including India and China.

Our love to the Church Body,

Richard & Sara Michalski

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Dear Faith Partners,
As this letter reaches you, we are in the midst of ministry in Monterrey, Mexico.  God has opened to us an effectual door of favor within the King's Castle, Methodist and Foursquare Churches.  Our ministry has challenged many church Fellowships for further involvement in world missions.  With your prayers we have seen many Salvation's, healings and deliverances. God has been moving mightily in every service. 
In the midst of all this Spiritual warfare, we are contending for the healing in Sara's mother, Nadia from cancer in the liver as well as several friends in Alaska who are battling cancer.  Please agree with us that Christ will win the victory at all fronts.  
In two weeks our itinerary takes us to the nation of Panama, where we will be working with the indigenous churches, in citywide outreaches and evangelism events.  We need your special prayers for physical strength, Spiritual power and yoke breaking anointing to be deposited on the Panama Fellowships. Truly without Christ we can do nothing.We thank you for linking your faith and agreement with ours for a great HARVEST in LATIN AMERICA. 
Our time in May is focused on several mission's conferences and preparation for departure to Ukraine and Russia from June 15th through July 21st.  In the UKRAINE  we will be celebrating THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE CHILD, which gives us an opportunity for outdoor concerts and evangelism events.  We are trusting God to supply the churches under our covering a minimum of 100,000 Russian and Ukrainian New Testaments.  This will fuel the fires of evangelism across Russia and the Ukraine for months to come.  The purchase price of these New Testaments, delivered into the hands of our churches and our distribution teams are . 25 cents per copy, which totals to $25,000 US dollars.  Any part of this SEED SOWN IN RUSSIA or UKRAINE soil has eternal results and guaranteed, never to return lifeless or void but bring back upon its sowing, thirty, sixty and one hundred returns.  
Once again, thank you for taking part and partnering with us in reaping the ripened fields of Eastern Europe and The Far East.
Yours for Myriads & millions Lost,
Richard & Sara Michalski 
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 882-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407

See what's free at


Impact Ministries has just broken the one million New Testament mark of distribution and delivery of Chinese New Testaments into the heart of China's Revival. Over the last 16 months, we have partnered together with the sacrificial giving of individuals and churches from Mexico, North America, Europe and even Siberia. Together, this milestone of Scripture penetration into the hands of one million Chinese believers will make a strategic difference in time and eternity. For every Scripture in China, the estimate is that we affect between 5 to 15 souls, due primarily to two crucial factors. The hunger for God's Word is so great and the supply of accessible Scriptures for The House Cell Church are so few.

There is an estimated 70 million Chinese believers awaiting their first time copies of the Word of God. Although we have reached this milestone of one million New Testaments, yet you can see that our task is far from being completed.

We invite any additional interested persons to join us in Phase II of our "Operation Precious Pearls" Project. Impact Ministries is developing what we feel and believe will be one of the finest New Testaments available in Chinese. Features of this Testament will include, Psalms and Proverbs, center reference column, plan of Salvation, map helps and possibly a small glossary or concordance.

Your assistance in this developmental stage would be as greatly needed as the set up work and production cost are extremely heavy to do this project right. Once the initial production is completed, we then will be able to buy these Gospel units at approximately .25 - .30cents each. This will include transport and distribution cost into the heart of China.

Please join us in satisfying one of the greatest, Spiritual births human history has ever known. "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, And from north to east; They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, But shall not find it." Amos 8:11-12 NKJV.

Help us at Impact satisfy what their souls are thirsting for, GOD'S ETERNAL WORD! Your contributions, small or great would be greatly appreciated by us and by the waiting Chinese Church. Be sure to mark the memo line, "Operation Precious Pearls". Should you desire a short DVD for your church group or Fellowship to promote this project, please include that information with your donation. We will send you "China Cry" DVD.