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Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Dear Faith Partners,
As this letter reaches you, we are in the midst of ministry in Monterrey, Mexico.  God has opened to us an effectual door of favor within the King's Castle, Methodist and Foursquare Churches.  Our ministry has challenged many church Fellowships for further involvement in world missions.  With your prayers we have seen many Salvation's, healings and deliverances. God has been moving mightily in every service. 
In the midst of all this Spiritual warfare, we are contending for the healing in Sara's mother, Nadia from cancer in the liver as well as several friends in Alaska who are battling cancer.  Please agree with us that Christ will win the victory at all fronts.  
In two weeks our itinerary takes us to the nation of Panama, where we will be working with the indigenous churches, in citywide outreaches and evangelism events.  We need your special prayers for physical strength, Spiritual power and yoke breaking anointing to be deposited on the Panama Fellowships. Truly without Christ we can do nothing.We thank you for linking your faith and agreement with ours for a great HARVEST in LATIN AMERICA. 
Our time in May is focused on several mission's conferences and preparation for departure to Ukraine and Russia from June 15th through July 21st.  In the UKRAINE  we will be celebrating THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE CHILD, which gives us an opportunity for outdoor concerts and evangelism events.  We are trusting God to supply the churches under our covering a minimum of 100,000 Russian and Ukrainian New Testaments.  This will fuel the fires of evangelism across Russia and the Ukraine for months to come.  The purchase price of these New Testaments, delivered into the hands of our churches and our distribution teams are . 25 cents per copy, which totals to $25,000 US dollars.  Any part of this SEED SOWN IN RUSSIA or UKRAINE soil has eternal results and guaranteed, never to return lifeless or void but bring back upon its sowing, thirty, sixty and one hundred returns.  
Once again, thank you for taking part and partnering with us in reaping the ripened fields of Eastern Europe and The Far East.
Yours for Myriads & millions Lost,
Richard & Sara Michalski 
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 882-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407

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