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Monday, April 16, 2007

Ministry update from Monterrey Mexico

We are presently ministering in churches in Monterrey, Mexico and just finished a fantastic week-end at King's Castle churches. Have been invited back for their Mission's Convention on November 24th through Dec. 2nd of this year.

The services have been overwhelming where there have been people coming to Christ in every service, people been healed and set free by the power of Jesus Christ. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers, your sacrificial giving and your investment into our lives and ministry. Your partnering with us makes an eternal difference in the souls the Lord touches. We have seen Salvations in every service, healings and the word of Knowledge in deliverance affecting scores of individuals and families. We were in eight hours of services on Sunday, but thanks to the prayers of God's people, our health is strong.

We will be in Panama from the 26th of April through May 2nd in citywide crusades and churches, and will be returning home to Seattle on May 4th.

The Impact ministries support group writes: We are witnessing an amazing move of God on this trip. This trip to Central America and Mexico is the "spectacular" fulfilment of 3 documented prophecies. The first prophetic word was given in Mexico over 30 years ago, and the other 2 prophetic words were given in 2006. This trip to Mexico and Panama is just the first leg of this prophetic journey which will involve other nations Including India and China.

Our love to the Church Body,

Richard & Sara Michalski