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Monday, June 11, 2007

Upcoming trip to Ukraine & Russia June 15th - July 26th

Dear Friends of the Faith,
Sara and I, with our daughter Leah, Sara's sister, Natasha and her father, Michael Ilyin are part of a team of 17 that will be ministering extensively in the Southern Ukraine over the next few weeks.  We desire that God would sovereignly move in these services, marriage encounters and prosperity with a purpose session, as well as crusades and ministering in the orphanages.  To this end, we are asking you if we have offended you in any way, either by word or by attitude or lack of concern; PLEASE FORGIVE US as we want no hindrances from God's best in these days of HARVEST. 
June 17th -Sunday, We will be ministering in Victory Church in Kiev with Pastor Henry Madava
June 18th - Monday night we travel all night from Kiev to Kherson (Southern Ukraine).
June 19th - Tuesday will be doing a leadership meeting
June 20th - Wednesday -  10:00 A.M. Orphanage in Kalininskoe & another orphanage in Alexandrovka.  At 17:00 P.M. (5:00 P.M.)  will have a crusade in a village called Evgenovka, where we will help to plant a new church.  Alman's will be doing a marriage seminar at the Great Commission Church in Kherson at 6:00 P.M.
June 21st - Thursday - at 10:00 A.M. visit orphanage in Tsuroupinsk and minister in a crusade in the evening in Alexandrovka at 6:00 P.M..  Same time the Soleim's will be doing a business & marriage seminar at the Great Commission Church in Kherson. 
June 22nd - Friday at 9:00 A.M. minister in the orphanage in Nova Zbourievka;  Then we will be going to our Youth Camp, one hour out of Kherson where we will have a leaders fellowship time.
June 23rd - Saturday 10:00 A.M. visiting Nova Mayachka orphanage and at 6:00 P.M. (International Day of the Child Celebration in Kherson weekend begins. 
June 24th - Sunday 10:00 A.M. Church service at the Great Commission church in Kherson: Afternoon - preparing for the concert and the  Citywide Concert begins at 7:00 P.M.
June 24th - Sunday 8:00 P.M. The Soleims and Almans depart on the night train from Kherson to Kiev.
June 25th - Monday 8:40 P.M. team takes the night train from Kherson to Kiev.  Day off!
June 26th - Tuesday A.M. arrive into Kiev (DAY OFF)
June 27th - Wednesday Depart from Kiev to Amsterdam; Overnight in Amsterdam
June 28th - Say farewell to our team from the States and Richard & Sara, with her father, Michael Ilyin continue on to Moscow and then to Perm, Siberia until July 26th. 
July 1st - will be ministering in Moscow
July 2nd through 26th will be ministering in villages throughout Siberia.  Need special covering in prayer.  During this time Richard will be undergoing lymphatic cleansing treatment which will address some of his major health issues.  Please pray for his healing and believe with us for the cost of the treatment as we are presently $5,000 short of meeting our budget there. 
You can reach us by email in our absence and our schedule for return home to Seattle will be July 26th. 
Thank you for your covering and your fervent prayers.  Believing for a mighty Harvest of souls and to be able to purchase at least 100,000 Russian New Testaments for the new converts and for the outreaches of the churches that we will be working with in Ukraine and Russia.  Our God is a mighty God and let Him be mighty in you and through you.  Our U.S. office of Impact Ministries will be able to wire any funding that comes in, in our absence.  So please give as the Lord directs. 
Yours for Souls,
Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (206) 321-2407  email: