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Friday, October 19, 2007

Thank you faith partners

Since we last communicated to you about the Ukrainian Famine, God has
provided a miracle release through sacrificial giving. $14,000 dollars has come
in, ear-marked for helping feed the villages that are most devastated by crop
failure. There will be multiplied hundreds of people fed and encouraged by
your sacrifices in the villages near Kherson. The young and the elderly will
be upholding you in prayer because there will be food on their table that were
donated by brothers and sisters in Christ whom they have never seen but will
see in eternity. The Gospel now to them is more than just words in the air,
but it has become a heart issue and their testimonies will resonate
throughout friends and family in the entire region of Southern Ukraine.

We still have two weeks before the final donations and offerings need to be
in, in order to be hand delivered to the most severe points of this crisis.
Jesus said, "If you have done it to the least of my little ones, you have
done it unto me." We are believing for a miracle of an additional $10,000.
This will help start to set up a long term solution for this impoverished area.
Four acres of land is being made available for us on which Impact Ministries
plans to set up a bakery and a medical clinic. In this region of 83%
unemployment, this would become a lifeline and testimony of the Lord's mercy for
miles around.

Thank you for those who have sacrificed and for those who have not yet
given, we implore you for Christ's sake and the Gospels, please be part of the
tremendous HARVEST YOUR GENEROSITY WILL REAP. Your gifts small or great will
make a difference in time and eternity. Thank you for your prayers that have
made these miracles happen.

As soon as any pictures come from the distribution, we will pass them on to

Together Manifesting Calvary's Love,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (206) 321-2407