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Thursday, October 25, 2007

dear prayer partners

Sara and I just completed a weekend of ministry in Kodiak Island, Alaska with Pastor Rex & Nancy Leath at the Kodiak Assembly of God Church.  It was such a blessing to see so many friends and family in the Faith.  God was present in a very powerful and precious way.  Thank you for your prayers.  Please pray for Sara as she has been fighting a terrible cold for over a week with a running temperature. 

October 24th through Sunday 28th, we are ministering in Anchorage.  These services will be unique with the Samoans, Koreans, Spanish, Russian and English churches cooperating together for an International Missions Conference.  We believe this delights God when the whole spectrum of the Church comes together, especially for prayer in the name of Christ and links their vision and their heart in fulfilling the Great Commission. 

The following weeks we have meetings in the Anchorage, Palmer and Wasilla area which include preaching in Korean churches, English and Russian services. November 5th is Richard's 60th birthday and we will be in Anchorage with our dear friends, Ralph & Alice Kurka.  On the way home, we stop in Wrangell, Alaska (November 8th through 11th) where we will be ministering.  We return home on November 12th for a short time to be with family over Thanksgiving. 

November 23rd, day after Thanksgiving we leave to minister in Monterrey, Mexico.  We are the only American participants in a Latin American Missions Congress, hosted by The Kings Castle Fellowship of Mexico.  There will be guests from Costa Rico, Brazil, Argentina and we will be representing the rest of the world, in particular Eastern Europe.  For this we need a heavy anointing to challenge and change the patterns of many of the churches and leadership to lifting their eyes and behold God's desire for the nations.  The prophetic word that God has given us for Mexico is this: "There is coming an hour when it will no longer just be said that God is moving in Argentina and Brazil, but it will be said, "There is a new move of God in Mexico that is shaking and taking the nations."

After the Conference in Mexico, there is a solid 10 days of ministry in churches in the Monterrey area.  When we had services in Monterrey this last March and April, we saw mighty outpourings of the Holy Spirit on churches and youth and we are expecting even greater things in God in this coming visit.  Please pray for our health, our safety and transportation and especially for God's anointing that breaks every yoke.  God has given us an overwhelming love for the Spanish people and they in turn have adopted Sara and I as family in Christ. 

We return from ministering in Mexico on December 12th and plan to be home until the end of the year before leaving for Russia, England and Ireland in January of 2008, Lord willing. 

Thank you for your prayers, your covering, your caring and your covenanting together with us in casting the net to the nations. 

Yours in the Bonds of Calvary,

Richard & Sara Michalski

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