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Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Our churches in Siberia as well as the Southern Ukraine are under siege.  In Siberia, some of their Evangelism efforts have been diminished by 30 Skinheads who stood threatening at the entrance of a building in Ulyanovsk used for Evangelism last week.  By the grace of God there was no injuries and all the people who attended the meeting came to know Jesus Christ personally.  Pastor Andrey and his family will be holding several days of additional meetings in this area and will be the presiding pastors over the new flock that God is birthing in Ulyanovsk.  They request your prayers at this critical hour of harvest for the nation.  They are trusting God for even the Skinheads to be converted by the blood of Jesus.
In the Southern Ukraine, the Great Commission Church in Kherson is under siege at several fronts.  Media is attacking them in numerous newspaper articles, referencing them as a sect.  Pray that our distribution of tons of famine relief will put the church back into a better light in their community.  Pastor Vitally's wife, Irina is undergoing heavy physical attacks and has been in and out of the hospital numerous times in recent weeks.  Pray that their yoke will be broken by the Anointed One, Jesus Christ and that healing would be affected by the stripes of Christ's blood covenant. 
Finally, we covert your prayers as we minister in the Far Regions of Siberia in February and part of March.  Pray that many drug addicts would receive deliverance, many infirmities and diseases would be destroyed by the power of Christ and most of all many Salvations affected by the blood of Christ to the end that the new converts would be established in the local church with pastors after God's heart.  As we travel to Krasnayarsk and to Bratsk, we are ministering in a region that is in desperate need of Church planting.  Pray that there would be a continuation of a church planting anointing that is heavy on our lives and that we will be able to greatly encourage the ministries that God has set in order in these places. 
In order to make these miracles possible, we desperately need a minimum of $3,500 for airfares and transportation cost, and an additional $2,000 for room and board and accommodations so we would not be a burden on these local fledgling churches in Siberia.  We are also believing God to supply for the purchase of large quantities of Russian Scriptures that can fuel the fire of Evangelism and churches, long after we have departed.  We need to hear from you as soon as possible to make these miracles happen.  Any checks dated by December 31st, will receive 2007 tax credit. 
Thank you for helping us finish the year with a mighty HARVEST OF THE LOST!
Fellow Servants in the bonds of Calvary,
Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
cell: (206) 321-2407