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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dear Prayer Partners,

Sara and I have just finished over two weeks of amazing miracles in Mexico.  We thank God for your prayer covering and entering into our labors via your giving and partnering with us.  In the last fourteen days, between the both of us, we have ministered over 30 times.  God has given us tremendous favor in Monterrey, Mexico with major movements in the church, but most of all He has given us favor from the Heavens.  We have seen the salvations of hundreds of people over recent days; families knit together that were divided, healings, baptisms and deliverances.  We were part of a Mission's Congress with the Castle Rey Fellowship (King's Castle) which is the largest Charismatic Movement in Mexico and we finalized arrangements while here for nationwide crusades in Panama and a return to Mexico in May of 2008. 
Last Sunday was probably the most intensive service we have ever been part of on North American soil.  God moved in such majestic power that the 9:45 A.M. service was going strong after 4:00 in the afternoon.  Most of this time frame was an explosion of anointed prayer on over 1,500 people passing through a prayer tunnel.  From the aged to the toddlers and all in between; one common characteristic is that they were overwhelmed by the presence and power of God.  Many wept, some collapsed under the wave after wave of the Holy Spirit's glory, but all were divinely touched by the powerful presence of Jesus.  Sunday night turned into a testimony service and eternity alone will tell the dimensions and dynamic of what happened in these hours in the courts of God's glory.  Sara and I will never be the same and that's the testimony of everyone attending. 
As we return home, we switch gears and look forward to family and Christmas and the finalizing of our plans in ministering in Siberia, leaving in January.  The fledgling churches we are returning to are asking us for additional training and to this end we are taking several key ministers with us from Alaska as Sara and I will be conducting evangelistic services in the evenings.  Our point of destination is 17 time-zones away from Seattle where we live and it will probably be minus 40 this winter in Siberia.   Needless to say, with these travel descriptions, we don't have too many people that want to come along with us.  Multiplied hundreds of people will be affected eternally by the grace of God, so we do need your prayers and your covering in these perilous parts of the earth.  Our airfares alone will be costing us $1,695.00 each and we need our covenant partners to help make these miracles possible.  This pricing does not include ground transportation, food or lodging or visas.  We need a miracle to make this happen. 
Please pray and believe with us as we sense an urgency about this trip, especially for these areas of Siberia which are strategic in God for reaching China, Mongolia and Islamic Republics.  These Siberians are ready to go at the peril of their life into regions that you and I cannot penetrate.  They are just asking for some Bible guidelines and prayer encouragement before putting their lives on the line for Missions.  Prayerfully consider us at Impact Ministries in your Year End Giving and should you desire to sow your faith seed and finances into this fertile field, please note on the memo line of your check: "Siberia 2008".  Due to our depleted resources, we need a miracle Year End offering from any of you who have God's money to give,.  We are praying, Siberia is praying and together we can make this happen for extending the Kingdom of God to literally the Utmost ends of the Earth.
Believing for a miracle month,
Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O.Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
cell: (206) 321-2407  

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