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Tuesday, February 6, 2007


Sara, Merlin and I have just returned from a 21 day, Siberian ministry tour which was a balance between crusade services and leadership conferences. The astounding weather factor played a key role in increasing the attendance of all the major events. It should have been twenty below zero, snowing and blowing as a norm for this region, but the sun was out almost daily and the temperatures were in the mid to a high twenties Fahrenheit. This was so unusual that bears in remote areas were coming out of hibernation, lakes and rivers which are normally frozen, were frost free and permafrost in many parts of the Tundra was melting. The local people kept commenting that the records showed that there has not been weather like this in a hundred years. We believe all of this was answered prayer to the petition of God's people as we saw hundreds saved, healed and touched by the power of God's deliverance.

One village church that comes graphically to mind had been allowed to build their wood-plank sanctuary but had exhausted their revenue in one crucial area and that was a central heating system. The piping and boiler works were in place but the cost of tapping into the local gas line was something that the church cannot afford. Needless to say, this church was extremely thankful for the warm weather and for the close fellowship of their small congregation, bundled together in their winter clothing. What a statement could be made to their community and to the surrounding villages of Siberia that the Body of Christ is more than just a local representation, but around the world, It has family members who genuinely care. The Word declares, "When one part of the Body suffers, we all suffer." The Word encourages us to rejoice with those that rejoice. What would happen if the greater Body of Christ helped pay their $2,000 dollar, gas hook-up charge?
What a resounding testimony this would be to both the Redeemed and the unregenerated of the community.

Nestled deep in the Northern Ural Mountains, this church is waiting on God, believing for a miracle and thanking God for every new day where the temperature doesn't plummet to minus 40. We could warm the coggles of their heart and cause the heavens to rejoice by participating in this divine opportunity in Yanina, Siberia.

Sara and I are prayerfully planning on returning to this area in March and both personally over-see the gift of your kindness and generosity. This would be a life changing statement for this church, their people and their little community. We hope to hear from you as God directs.

Yours in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 885-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407