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Saturday, November 17, 2007

impact ministries november update

Dear Friends,
Sara and I just returned from three weeks of ministry in Alaska.  Our hearts were greatly encouraged as we saw Russian churches lead other churches in coming together across denominational and ethnic lines of identity.  We had a special week-end in Anchorage where Samoans, Filipinos, Koreans, Russians, Ukrainians, Hispanic as well as regular, good "old" Americans were invited for a Prayer Summit for the State of Alaska and secondarily for the nations of the World.  Not everyone made it to the event, but those who did were greatly blessed and a precedent was set for future events of this magnitude.
We also had services in other outlining areas where we were again encouraged to witness a strong presence of the Lord, with Salvations, healing's and numerous people receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as a direct result of your prayers and intercession.  Thank you so much for partnering with us in this vital time of HARVEST and INGATHERING
The day after Thanksgiving, November 23rd, we are leaving to minister in Mexico.  In the opening week of our services, we will have over fourteen meetings which include work-shops in an International Missions Conference.  We need your prayers for a heavy anointing and for a deep plowing of the Holy Spirit to challenge and change us into the image of Jesus and catch His burden for the Nations of the World. 
While we have spent so much time on the road, our needs at the "Home-Front" have been stretched to their max.  We had to borrow funds just to pay for our property taxes and mortgage last month and most of our travel cost has not as yet been met.  We need your help to come alongside of us, upholding our hands like Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses.  Every battle that is won in the enemies camp, you will have direct reward when the Commander and Chief, Jesus Christ gives us equally our shares.  "... But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike." "So it was, from that day forward: he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel to this day." I Samuel 30: 24-25.  
We need to hear from you as soon as possible to have the peace of mind that our "Home-front" is being taken care of in our absence and that your prayers precede us before entering in the arena of missions and ministry in Mexico.  Thank you for your sacrificial participation and involvement with IMPACT MINISTRIES.
Believing for breakthroughs,
Richard & Sara Michalski with
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 882-0761 or (206) 321-2407  email:   

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