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Friday, February 16, 2007

Operation Precious Pearls

Thank you so much for partnering with us in the vision of God's heart. Where Russia was in the early 70's as pertained to need for Bibles, so China is presently. An area of prayer is that at the highest levels of Russian and Chinese government, somebody who is affiliated with our ministry is talking to high ranking Soviet officials about a gesture of good will in view of the up-coming Olympics in China. Russia is looking at importing 2 million, full Chinese Bibles as an official gift to the Chinese people, celebrating their Olympic games in 2008. These Bibles will be youth oriented with pictures of Olympic events. The printing will cost approximately $3.00 each Bible delivered into China. Impact Ministries has been asked to be directly involved in over-sighting this project. We are praying for God's wisdom and sealing of God's grace as to what direction to take.

If we embrace this Chinese new project, we will call it, "Operation Precious Pearls". Please pray with us for God's leading, for people and personnel and finances to make it all happen. Thank you for your mutual concern for China and thank you for the offering that will be taken for the warehoused Chinese New Testaments which we are still able to buy out at five per dollar.

Yours in Christ for Myriads and Millions Lost,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 882-0761 email: