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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

urgent prayer request

Dear Friends,
We just got word from my brother Fred and my sister, Liz who live in Vernon, B.C. Canada that my mother is very sick (Sara Michalski's mom).  We had just returned less than two weeks ago from visiting mom & dad in Canada due to mom's terrible infection in her leg.  The Lord had touched her miraculously, where there were running sores and small holes in her leg, with excrutiating pain for over a month.  After prayer her wounds began to heal quickly and new skin was forming within days and mom was able to walk without pain. Praise God. 
However, my mother has been losing weight continually and my brother said that due to her skin turning jaundice,  they took her into the hospital yesterday only to find out that she has stones in her gall bladder and a huge, cancerous tumor on her liver.  The doctors will try to sonically try to break the stones up. but said the liver was inoperative.   The doctors have given my mother at the most two months to live as they say that the bile that has accumulated in her body from the tumor is so much that various parts of her body organs  are shutting down.
Despite the reports from the doctors, we are believing God for another major miracle for my mother's health condition and are believing that Jesus is going to raise her up again.  We are asking you, our dear friends and anyone you know to pray for my mom, (Nadia Ilyin).  My father is taking this situation quite hard as they have been married for 66 years, worked together side, by side and ministered in the Tundra and Siberia the last 9 years and then had the opportunity of ministering in China last year.  We are praying for God to intervene with His power to heal as He has done so many times in the past.  May His will be done. 
Yours in Christ,
Sara & Richard Michalski