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Sunday, February 25, 2007


Deep in the heart of Siberia, sixteen time zones from the West Coast, we met a Church Body that captured our hearts. Like so many other precious new church plants in Russia, dedication and sacrifice was the norm among our brethren in the Far East. Luba, the pastors wife, a mother of six children had been hand rinsing and ringing clothing for her family. Besides her own family, she was also washing and ringing the bedding and clothing for a total of nearly 70 others in the church's children's orphanage and women and men's Rehabilitation Center. She has been doing this faithfully for years as unto the Lord. Although her hands are raw, we noticed a song in her heart every morning, a smile on her face and a love for God's people and the privilege to serve. While in Angarsk, Siberia, 40 kilometers out of Irkutsk, she served us three meals a day and didn't miss a single solitary meeting which sometimes lasted five and six hours.

It is this kind of dedication that stretches our own commitment level and draws us into wanting to participate with their vision, burden and calling. I thought of a great hymn of the Church with the theme, "Little is much when God is in it". Just for the mere cost of a washer and dryer, this church could be advanced in its challenging young men and women to become free from drugs and alcohol and employ several people in the area of the laundry industry. A commercial washer and dryer would retail for approximately $1,600 U.S. dollars. Some of these funds have come in which will free up some of the most dedicated people in God's Kingdom for that church and that region to minister in other affective areas. These Rehabilitation Centers are in actual fact, training centers for future pastors and Christian workers as has been the pattern throughout our travels in these parts of Siberia.

Something as little as a washer and dryer could be a launching vehicle for major church plants and ministry throughout the area in days to come. We saw over 53 church plants in the Siberian region over the last several years with scores of others being targeted by year end. Your contribution, great or small would be eternally appreciated by these precious ones so full of the joy of the Lord which is their strength.

Richard & Sara Michalski
With Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 882-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407