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Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Our churches in Siberia as well as the Southern Ukraine are under siege.  In Siberia, some of their Evangelism efforts have been diminished by 30 Skinheads who stood threatening at the entrance of a building in Ulyanovsk used for Evangelism last week.  By the grace of God there was no injuries and all the people who attended the meeting came to know Jesus Christ personally.  Pastor Andrey and his family will be holding several days of additional meetings in this area and will be the presiding pastors over the new flock that God is birthing in Ulyanovsk.  They request your prayers at this critical hour of harvest for the nation.  They are trusting God for even the Skinheads to be converted by the blood of Jesus.
In the Southern Ukraine, the Great Commission Church in Kherson is under siege at several fronts.  Media is attacking them in numerous newspaper articles, referencing them as a sect.  Pray that our distribution of tons of famine relief will put the church back into a better light in their community.  Pastor Vitally's wife, Irina is undergoing heavy physical attacks and has been in and out of the hospital numerous times in recent weeks.  Pray that their yoke will be broken by the Anointed One, Jesus Christ and that healing would be affected by the stripes of Christ's blood covenant. 
Finally, we covert your prayers as we minister in the Far Regions of Siberia in February and part of March.  Pray that many drug addicts would receive deliverance, many infirmities and diseases would be destroyed by the power of Christ and most of all many Salvations affected by the blood of Christ to the end that the new converts would be established in the local church with pastors after God's heart.  As we travel to Krasnayarsk and to Bratsk, we are ministering in a region that is in desperate need of Church planting.  Pray that there would be a continuation of a church planting anointing that is heavy on our lives and that we will be able to greatly encourage the ministries that God has set in order in these places. 
In order to make these miracles possible, we desperately need a minimum of $3,500 for airfares and transportation cost, and an additional $2,000 for room and board and accommodations so we would not be a burden on these local fledgling churches in Siberia.  We are also believing God to supply for the purchase of large quantities of Russian Scriptures that can fuel the fire of Evangelism and churches, long after we have departed.  We need to hear from you as soon as possible to make these miracles happen.  Any checks dated by December 31st, will receive 2007 tax credit. 
Thank you for helping us finish the year with a mighty HARVEST OF THE LOST!
Fellow Servants in the bonds of Calvary,
Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
cell: (206) 321-2407 

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Dear Prayer Partners,

Sara and I have just finished over two weeks of amazing miracles in Mexico.  We thank God for your prayer covering and entering into our labors via your giving and partnering with us.  In the last fourteen days, between the both of us, we have ministered over 30 times.  God has given us tremendous favor in Monterrey, Mexico with major movements in the church, but most of all He has given us favor from the Heavens.  We have seen the salvations of hundreds of people over recent days; families knit together that were divided, healings, baptisms and deliverances.  We were part of a Mission's Congress with the Castle Rey Fellowship (King's Castle) which is the largest Charismatic Movement in Mexico and we finalized arrangements while here for nationwide crusades in Panama and a return to Mexico in May of 2008. 
Last Sunday was probably the most intensive service we have ever been part of on North American soil.  God moved in such majestic power that the 9:45 A.M. service was going strong after 4:00 in the afternoon.  Most of this time frame was an explosion of anointed prayer on over 1,500 people passing through a prayer tunnel.  From the aged to the toddlers and all in between; one common characteristic is that they were overwhelmed by the presence and power of God.  Many wept, some collapsed under the wave after wave of the Holy Spirit's glory, but all were divinely touched by the powerful presence of Jesus.  Sunday night turned into a testimony service and eternity alone will tell the dimensions and dynamic of what happened in these hours in the courts of God's glory.  Sara and I will never be the same and that's the testimony of everyone attending. 
As we return home, we switch gears and look forward to family and Christmas and the finalizing of our plans in ministering in Siberia, leaving in January.  The fledgling churches we are returning to are asking us for additional training and to this end we are taking several key ministers with us from Alaska as Sara and I will be conducting evangelistic services in the evenings.  Our point of destination is 17 time-zones away from Seattle where we live and it will probably be minus 40 this winter in Siberia.   Needless to say, with these travel descriptions, we don't have too many people that want to come along with us.  Multiplied hundreds of people will be affected eternally by the grace of God, so we do need your prayers and your covering in these perilous parts of the earth.  Our airfares alone will be costing us $1,695.00 each and we need our covenant partners to help make these miracles possible.  This pricing does not include ground transportation, food or lodging or visas.  We need a miracle to make this happen. 
Please pray and believe with us as we sense an urgency about this trip, especially for these areas of Siberia which are strategic in God for reaching China, Mongolia and Islamic Republics.  These Siberians are ready to go at the peril of their life into regions that you and I cannot penetrate.  They are just asking for some Bible guidelines and prayer encouragement before putting their lives on the line for Missions.  Prayerfully consider us at Impact Ministries in your Year End Giving and should you desire to sow your faith seed and finances into this fertile field, please note on the memo line of your check: "Siberia 2008".  Due to our depleted resources, we need a miracle Year End offering from any of you who have God's money to give,.  We are praying, Siberia is praying and together we can make this happen for extending the Kingdom of God to literally the Utmost ends of the Earth.
Believing for a miracle month,
Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O.Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
cell: (206) 321-2407  

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Saturday, November 17, 2007

impact ministries november update

Dear Friends,
Sara and I just returned from three weeks of ministry in Alaska.  Our hearts were greatly encouraged as we saw Russian churches lead other churches in coming together across denominational and ethnic lines of identity.  We had a special week-end in Anchorage where Samoans, Filipinos, Koreans, Russians, Ukrainians, Hispanic as well as regular, good "old" Americans were invited for a Prayer Summit for the State of Alaska and secondarily for the nations of the World.  Not everyone made it to the event, but those who did were greatly blessed and a precedent was set for future events of this magnitude.
We also had services in other outlining areas where we were again encouraged to witness a strong presence of the Lord, with Salvations, healing's and numerous people receiving the Baptism in the Holy Spirit as a direct result of your prayers and intercession.  Thank you so much for partnering with us in this vital time of HARVEST and INGATHERING
The day after Thanksgiving, November 23rd, we are leaving to minister in Mexico.  In the opening week of our services, we will have over fourteen meetings which include work-shops in an International Missions Conference.  We need your prayers for a heavy anointing and for a deep plowing of the Holy Spirit to challenge and change us into the image of Jesus and catch His burden for the Nations of the World. 
While we have spent so much time on the road, our needs at the "Home-Front" have been stretched to their max.  We had to borrow funds just to pay for our property taxes and mortgage last month and most of our travel cost has not as yet been met.  We need your help to come alongside of us, upholding our hands like Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses.  Every battle that is won in the enemies camp, you will have direct reward when the Commander and Chief, Jesus Christ gives us equally our shares.  "... But as his part is who goes down to the battle, so shall his part be who stays by the supplies; they shall share alike." "So it was, from that day forward: he made it a statute and an ordinance for Israel to this day." I Samuel 30: 24-25.  
We need to hear from you as soon as possible to have the peace of mind that our "Home-front" is being taken care of in our absence and that your prayers precede us before entering in the arena of missions and ministry in Mexico.  Thank you for your sacrificial participation and involvement with IMPACT MINISTRIES.
Believing for breakthroughs,
Richard & Sara Michalski with
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 882-0761 or (206) 321-2407  email:   

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

dear prayer partners

Sara and I just completed a weekend of ministry in Kodiak Island, Alaska with Pastor Rex & Nancy Leath at the Kodiak Assembly of God Church.  It was such a blessing to see so many friends and family in the Faith.  God was present in a very powerful and precious way.  Thank you for your prayers.  Please pray for Sara as she has been fighting a terrible cold for over a week with a running temperature. 

October 24th through Sunday 28th, we are ministering in Anchorage.  These services will be unique with the Samoans, Koreans, Spanish, Russian and English churches cooperating together for an International Missions Conference.  We believe this delights God when the whole spectrum of the Church comes together, especially for prayer in the name of Christ and links their vision and their heart in fulfilling the Great Commission. 

The following weeks we have meetings in the Anchorage, Palmer and Wasilla area which include preaching in Korean churches, English and Russian services. November 5th is Richard's 60th birthday and we will be in Anchorage with our dear friends, Ralph & Alice Kurka.  On the way home, we stop in Wrangell, Alaska (November 8th through 11th) where we will be ministering.  We return home on November 12th for a short time to be with family over Thanksgiving. 

November 23rd, day after Thanksgiving we leave to minister in Monterrey, Mexico.  We are the only American participants in a Latin American Missions Congress, hosted by The Kings Castle Fellowship of Mexico.  There will be guests from Costa Rico, Brazil, Argentina and we will be representing the rest of the world, in particular Eastern Europe.  For this we need a heavy anointing to challenge and change the patterns of many of the churches and leadership to lifting their eyes and behold God's desire for the nations.  The prophetic word that God has given us for Mexico is this: "There is coming an hour when it will no longer just be said that God is moving in Argentina and Brazil, but it will be said, "There is a new move of God in Mexico that is shaking and taking the nations."

After the Conference in Mexico, there is a solid 10 days of ministry in churches in the Monterrey area.  When we had services in Monterrey this last March and April, we saw mighty outpourings of the Holy Spirit on churches and youth and we are expecting even greater things in God in this coming visit.  Please pray for our health, our safety and transportation and especially for God's anointing that breaks every yoke.  God has given us an overwhelming love for the Spanish people and they in turn have adopted Sara and I as family in Christ. 

We return from ministering in Mexico on December 12th and plan to be home until the end of the year before leaving for Russia, England and Ireland in January of 2008, Lord willing. 

Thank you for your prayers, your covering, your caring and your covenanting together with us in casting the net to the nations. 

Yours in the Bonds of Calvary,

Richard & Sara Michalski

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Friday, October 19, 2007

Thank you faith partners

Since we last communicated to you about the Ukrainian Famine, God has
provided a miracle release through sacrificial giving. $14,000 dollars has come
in, ear-marked for helping feed the villages that are most devastated by crop
failure. There will be multiplied hundreds of people fed and encouraged by
your sacrifices in the villages near Kherson. The young and the elderly will
be upholding you in prayer because there will be food on their table that were
donated by brothers and sisters in Christ whom they have never seen but will
see in eternity. The Gospel now to them is more than just words in the air,
but it has become a heart issue and their testimonies will resonate
throughout friends and family in the entire region of Southern Ukraine.

We still have two weeks before the final donations and offerings need to be
in, in order to be hand delivered to the most severe points of this crisis.
Jesus said, "If you have done it to the least of my little ones, you have
done it unto me." We are believing for a miracle of an additional $10,000.
This will help start to set up a long term solution for this impoverished area.
Four acres of land is being made available for us on which Impact Ministries
plans to set up a bakery and a medical clinic. In this region of 83%
unemployment, this would become a lifeline and testimony of the Lord's mercy for
miles around.

Thank you for those who have sacrificed and for those who have not yet
given, we implore you for Christ's sake and the Gospels, please be part of the
tremendous HARVEST YOUR GENEROSITY WILL REAP. Your gifts small or great will
make a difference in time and eternity. Thank you for your prayers that have
made these miracles happen.

As soon as any pictures come from the distribution, we will pass them on to

Together Manifesting Calvary's Love,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (206) 321-2407

Thursday, September 20, 2007


 I love what the Slavic people of the Former Soviet Union call healing.  They call it, "The Children's Bread".  Sara and I have found that to be true in thirty-six years of our ministry there.  Crumbs still fall off the table and touch the unregenerate and unsaved but in a very special way, God has called His people up to His table where provisions have been made through Christ and Calvary for our atoning and healing.   
Isaiah in the 53 rd chapter, looking forward to the finished work of the Cross says prophetically that "By His stripes we are healed." Then Peter in his Epistles to the Churches looks back on the completed work of  the Cross says, "By His stripes we were healed."   God links our salvation with healing through a prophecy from the Psalmist David who declares in Psalms 103:2-3 "Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits - who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases." NIV
The link between sickness and sin is a strong one; however, it is not the only door of entry the enemy has used to attack humanity.  Let's look at several hindrances to healing and then let's examine God's answer to each of these situations. 
In the 9th chapter of John, the disciples ask concerning the blind man, "Who sinned, either he or his parents?"  Jesus answered, "Neither he nor his parents, but rather this sickness was to the glory of God."  The disciples knew there were consequences to sin, one of which is the area of sickness.  However, Jesus made clear that not every sickness is linked with sin.  James tells us in his Epistle that when we are sick, we are to call for the elders of the Church to be anointed with oil and it further declares, "The prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." James 5:15 KJV  This shows our need to be part of a regular Church Body so its covering and eldership can be available to us in our time of affliction and failure. 
Another major area of sickness is demonic assignment and assault against our person.  We have an enemy, the devil who wages war against God's people; oftentimes manifesting himself in the area of sickness and disease against the people of God, their bodies, their mind and their resources.  Acts 10:38,  God declares, "How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil: "for God was with him."  Christ tells us that He has given us as believers power over all the power of the enemy, that he should hurt us in no wise.  So in these two categories alone, sin and Satan's attack, we as believers have total victory, each and every time because of the Blood Covenant of Calvary.  By far the majority of the source of sickness primarily come in these two arenas. 
Paul in his Epistle to the Corinthian Church speaks to a portion of the Church who have not been able to discern the Lord's Body and have partaken of the Lord's Table unworthily.  He says, "For this cause shall a man examine himself," and tells us that many prematurely sleep or die and many are feeble and sick among God's people for their coming to His table unworthily.  This is not the unpardonable sin but like every other sin and short-coming in our lives, it must be addressed by a broken, repentant heart and Spirit; confessed to our Heavenly Father, asking for His forgiveness and thus receiving His release which often manifests itself with the blessing of healing. 
Another area of hindrance would be harboring ill will against a person or persons; in so doing, hindering our healing.  God's answer is to humble ourselves and pray one for another and confess our failures and short-comings to each other that we may be healed.  James 5:16 KJV.  In that same vain Matthew says, "For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your father forgive your trespasses." Matthew 6:14-15 NKJV  The Word further amplifies that if we regard or hold sin in our heart, God will not hear us when we pray.  It is in the forgiveness of others that we bring release to ourselves and to them; thus opening the heavens and giving God the opportunity to affect our healing.  An unforgiving Spirit often is manifested with arthritis and the drying up of the bones.  A forgiving Spirit is often punctuated by a joyous heart which is our strength.  The Word says, "A merry heart  does good like medicine But sorrow dries the bones." Proverbs 17: 22 NKJV
An additional area that I would like to address is the slandering of God's servants.  There are many things that God will tolerate but there are some that bring swift retribution and reaction from God's judgement; that is the slandering of God's ministers and servants.  The Bible tells us, a servant rises or falls before His Master and the Master is the final Judge concerning a servants faithfulness in His House.   We are not to judge but rather pray one for the other.  Miriam in Numbers, chapter 12: 1-15 learned that lesson the hard way. Through haughtiness and pride, she announces, "Hasn't God also spoken through us?" Then God asks Miriam and Aaron to draw closer and as they do so, immediately Miriam is stricken with leprosy.  We see God's heart in Moses who immediately pleads for Miriam's healing.  God's reply however, is "NO, put her outside the camp and let her bare her shame for seven days." On occasion God says "NO" to healing for a reason and for a season. 
In the 15th chapter of Exodus we see a God who makes covenant with His people that none of the diseases that came upon Egypt will come upon His people if they obey His statues and His ordinances.  In our obedience to the law of God, there comes a protective covering of grace.  As we look at God's laws, we are finding vast wisdom in the 21st Century that we have not known until recent years. For example: throughout the wilderness wanderings, Israel was told to wash its instrumentation and utensils with running water.  Running water is aerating as it hits stones in a brook and becomes the closest thing in nature to a natural disinfectant with properties like hydrogen peroxide. 
Israel is told to bury and to burn their refuge outside of the camp.  Had the residence of Europe in the Middle Ages heeded this commandment alone, they would not have had the 'Black Plague' that ravaged and killed entire communities and hundreds of thousands of people. 
God calls certain animals and describes them as being clean or unclean and tells His people not to partake of the "Unclean".  It is only in recent years we are finding the wisdom of God through these statues and ordinances.  As we learn more, we find the wisdom of God manifested at every turning.  Moses declared, "The life is in the blood." and how many of our fore-fathers were killed by ignorant medical practices when they were bled to death in an attempt to remove sickness from their bodies.  Trichina worms from eating pork, toxins from shellfish and contaminated tissue from non-cud chewing animals, plus un-bled live-stock at the point of slaughter have been the source of sickness to generations.  All the while, God says, He will cover and protect His people from the diseases, common to their day if we walk in obedience to His Word.   
Sickness never comes from God but comes through our fallen nature, a fallen earth and through Satan's attack. Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father of Light in Whom there is no variable or shadow of turning.  However, God can even use the things that the devil means for evil against us and turn them into our eternal good.  So when we are sick and when we are afflicted, cast all our cares on the Lord Jesus Christ for He cares for us.  We call out in mercy, God responds in grace, either "YES", "NO" OR "WAIT AWHILE" until His work is complete in us and His glory is seen through us.   
One of the Names of our God is "JEHOVAH RAFAH", meaning, "I AM THE LORD YOUR HEALER".  True healing comes from heaven and the hand of our Lord Jesus Christ and are meant to be a testimony to a far greater eternal truth. God is our ONLY Salvation, our Healer and our Help in time of need.  The greater truth is, God cares for your body but is more concerned for your eternal soul.  He is  the source alone for our Salvation, our healing and our health.  Trusting Him and His Word in faith believing makes us candidates for Christ's divine intervention and the receiving of Jesus' miraculous mercies. 
by: Richard Michalski
President/Founder of Impact Ministries International

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Most automobile manufacturers insist on major tune-ups often at the thirty, sixty and a hundred thousand, mile mark. Our bodies need tuning more frequently than these lengthy intervals and thanks to the Holy Spirit and the Word of God that God makes this possible in a daily provision as we seek His face. In missions work, it is not that we would often eat a deadly thing but rather that we are exposed to variances of diet, water, weather and other variables that take their toll on our bodies. God likens our body to a temple of the Holy Spirit and what we put into our temple is just as important as what comes out of our temple in the form of verbage and action. In automotive terms,"You are a Ferrari" and God never intended that you fuel your tank with fish oil. God's optimum is high test, carefully refined, fuel and oil of the finest degree to make your motor run according to the manufacturers specifications and manual.

I am beginning to realize some of the Old Testament laws that God had put in place was not filler space of types and shadows, bridging us into the New Testament but rather by the inspiration and wisdom of God,all of what is written and said in the Word has merit for us in the 21st Century. On the mission field, sometimes "fish oil" is the only fuel available and I am presently undergoing a sixty-year tune-up. My filters have been changed, my spark plugs have been changed and I am coming home with a new vitality and vision for what God wants to do through Sara and I and Impact Ministries in the future. The treatments here in Perm, Russia have consistently brought my blood pressure down to 120/70 and my blood sugars have been returned to the normal range. I feel new strength in my legs and my heart doesn't seem to be stressed out, despite the very HOT TEMPERATURES and stair climbing we have been doing daily to our fourth floor of our apartment.

We attribute this most of all to the mercy of God's healing covenant, provided by the stripes of Calvary in Jesus Christ our Lord. We thank each of you who have affectively released that covenant and its efficatious application to our lives through your prayers. Sara has had several other health issues that God has addressed which we are also eternally grateful for. We thank God for each of you that covered us with your prayers, your giving and just being our friends. God is better to us than our feeble words can tell and we can indeed say with the "Psalmist" "That the lines of our life have fallen into pleasant places." Isaiah is right when he declares, "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary and they shall walk and not faint."

Thank you for waiting with us and believing together for our heavenly tune-up. We are coming home July 26th, renewed in the Lord and the power of His might, due largely to your agreed participation and prayers. God bless each and everyone of you with health, healing and God's greatest happiness in your lives and family.

In Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500


I have often said, "It really pays to know the 'Weatherman". I am not referring to the syndicated news of ABC, NBC, CBS or FOX News. I am however, referring to the 'Weather Man" of 'AIJ" which stands for ABRAHAM, ISAAC and JACOB, the God of the Bible. From one cover of the Scripture to another, from the opening chapters of Genesis to the final chapters of Revelation, God's divine intervention have often been punctuated by the weather. The Psalmist declares that "Lightening goes before Him and the clouds are but the dust of His feet. He rides upon the wind and the storm obeys His Word."

It came as a personal revelation to me the other night as the Lord spoke to me in a form of a question. The question being, "Haven't you noticed, son that when you come into a city or a nation; when Sara and you come prayed up, the level of Spiritual conflict is often manifested by sudden changes in the weather?" I remember just a few short years ago, we brought a team with us from City Church and several other churches. Pastor Jay Smith, one of the associate pastors from another church has blessed the Body of christ as a gifted song writer. He had a melody in his heart and head for ten years but no words to complete the song. While flying to the Ukraine with us, at 30,000 feet in the air, the words began to flow, "Letit rain upon the Ukraine as never before; Let it rain on the Ukraine with the floy of the Lord. I can see the lightening flashing; I can hear the thunder roar; Let it rain upon the Ukraine, with the Glory of the Lord."

Several nights later in a village venue, Pastor Jay decided to sing this song with God's new words. Just as he began to sing in an area that had not seen rain for over three months, God punctuated the daybeau of the song with lightening flashing and the roar of thunder. Needless to say, the congregation and all under the covering of this "House" were electrified by the punctuation of Heaven. As he began to sing, the tin roof of the church began to be pelted with a heavy saturating rain. Heaven was making a statement and earth got the message in the Ukraine.

As I watched the news real the other night, here in Perm, Russia, the news was punctuated by a heatwave and fires in Greece, Crete and France; a snowstorm in Austria and a heat-wave in New York. Jesus rebuked His generation for being able to discern the skies and not know the hour of their visitation. Is it possible that all nature is convulsing and groaning for Its' REDEMPTION AND THE RETURN OF THE LORD, JESUS CHRIST! Perhaps our generation needs to be rebuked because we see all these things happen and so many millions on the planet are unaware of the part that weather is playing in the final pageant of time.

When in the Ukraine a few weeks ago, one of the elders made a statement that resonated in my Spirit. He said, "We are so glad to see you and your team because whenever you come to town, the weather dramatically changes." Our cry before the Lord upon our leaving the Ukraine was, "Lord, one more time, bring the rain to this dry and thirsty land." I can see the tears of the 'babushka's from the villages telling us this summer, "All we have left from the crop is straw; all else has been burned away from the heat. Unless God does a miracle, we will have nothing to eat!" During the time of Elijah, there was a famine where it had not rained for 3 1/2 years, yet God had provided for His Prophet through blessing a widow and her son. Whether God supernaturally ministers to these widows or better yet, the rain falls on the just and the unjust.

Let the testimony of the Lord fill the land that God answers the prayers of the destitute and hears the cry of His own. The day we were preparing to leave the Southern Ukraine, already the clouds were beginning to form and light rains were beginning to fall here and there. Our petition and prayer is, " Lord, let it RAIN ON THE UKRAINE, both in the natural and in the SUPERNATURAL."

Pray with us that the testimony and the goodness of the Lord will lead many wayward sons and daughters to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ through the tangible testimonies they understand; food on their table and grain in their garners. Let it be Lord for your NAME SAKE, AMEN! In Christ for the Whitened Harvest,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sara and Richard meetings in Seattle

Sara is scheduled to speak at a Noon lunch on Thursday 8/2 and Richard will speak at a noon lunch on Thursday 8/9 at the Crab Pot restaurant on lake Bellevue. Go to for more info.

Richard will also be speaking at a Noon lunch on Tuesday 8/7 at the Denny's in Issaquah off Gillman blvd. For more info go to: the public is welcome.

Exciting special details of the Russian trip will be given

News From Russia

We are still receiving medical treatment here in Perm as well as ministering in the surrounding areas. Today we led one of the top doctors who has been treating Richard to the Lord. The process has reduced Richard's blood pressure to 120/70 and his glucose in his blood has been brought down to normal. The only one drawback to the procedure is, Dr. IGOR's solution to everything is a bigger needle. Any moment we are expecting to meet Dr. "Frankenstein". It has been a very interesting journey from the fruitfulness of our ministry trip in Ukraine where we saw over a thousand decisions for Christ to Russia where we have seen handfuls come to the Lord. We are trusting God for final weekends of 500 Kilometers north of Moscow in an area where we have never ministered to before, a region not too far from Arch Angel, where numerous churches are coming together for Evangelism like we had in Kansk. We are praying and believing God that His Holy Spirit will be present to save, heal and deliver.

Thank you for entering into our fruitful harvest, your prayers and intercession and sacrificial giving. As you have sown and as we have watered, God has been faithful to give us increase. We have seen many astounding miracles, including large cancerous growths instantly removed, hearing in the middle ear restored and dizziness for many years stopped by the power of Christ. Children coming to Christ have been coming by the bucket fulls, alcoholics, drunks and Satanists were jeering and mocking in the last crusade, were instantly sobered by the fear of the Lord to a quick transition of weeping and repenting. All this fruit is on your account that have joined us in covenanting with your covering through prayers and giving.

We get home the end of July.

Love in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski

PHASE I of our Eastern European trip completed

PHASE I of our Eastern European trip was completed.

We saw well over a thousand decisions for Christ and our last meeting in the Ukraine with NoondaySun saw several thousand young people gathered together on a Sunday afternoon for the International Day of the Child Festival. Some of the crowd was drunk and hostile; others were Satanists trying to disrupt the meeting and trying to put a curse on our team members, but greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world." I John 4

The authority of Christ came upon us and Richard spoke to their laughter, saying, "You may be laughing now, but unless you come to Christ and repent of your sins, there will come a day when your laughter will cease and you will be crying out for mercy." It was like a shockwave that hit the crowd and a Godly silence hit the people. Moments later multiplied hundreds raised their hand for Salvation, prayed the sinners prayer of repentance and received New Testaments.

Thank you for making these miracles possible through your giving and through your prayer covering. We were able to purchase over 100,000 Russian New Testaments. During our leadership and women's conference, God was present to heal. We received a testimony of a Cancerous growth that was instantly removed and scores of other testimonies of hearing being restored, ulcers being healed, stomach disorders instantly being cured by Christ and speech being restored; all by the precious blood and power of Jesus Christ. God's mercy flowed like a stream among these precious people in the Ukraine as hundreds of hands were raised in our conference, attesting to the healing power of the stripes of Christ.

Thank you again for your covering and prayer.

PHASE II of our trip takes us today by rail, 23 hours into the Ural mountains where we will be ministering until our return to Moscow on the 20th where we will be traveling 500 kilometers, 8 hours by train from Moscow by rail and ministering to a grouping of churches where we have never been to before. Their youth are coming together in several cities and we are believing together for a mighty visitation from the throne of God. Pray that God will save the lost, heal the sick, transform families and that Jesus would be greatly glorified. Pray for our health and our medical treatments that we will be undertaking while we are in the Ural Mountains and we are believing God for a complete healing in this season of our life and ministry.

Gratefully Yours in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500

Monday, June 11, 2007

Upcoming trip to Ukraine & Russia June 15th - July 26th

Dear Friends of the Faith,
Sara and I, with our daughter Leah, Sara's sister, Natasha and her father, Michael Ilyin are part of a team of 17 that will be ministering extensively in the Southern Ukraine over the next few weeks.  We desire that God would sovereignly move in these services, marriage encounters and prosperity with a purpose session, as well as crusades and ministering in the orphanages.  To this end, we are asking you if we have offended you in any way, either by word or by attitude or lack of concern; PLEASE FORGIVE US as we want no hindrances from God's best in these days of HARVEST. 
June 17th -Sunday, We will be ministering in Victory Church in Kiev with Pastor Henry Madava
June 18th - Monday night we travel all night from Kiev to Kherson (Southern Ukraine).
June 19th - Tuesday will be doing a leadership meeting
June 20th - Wednesday -  10:00 A.M. Orphanage in Kalininskoe & another orphanage in Alexandrovka.  At 17:00 P.M. (5:00 P.M.)  will have a crusade in a village called Evgenovka, where we will help to plant a new church.  Alman's will be doing a marriage seminar at the Great Commission Church in Kherson at 6:00 P.M.
June 21st - Thursday - at 10:00 A.M. visit orphanage in Tsuroupinsk and minister in a crusade in the evening in Alexandrovka at 6:00 P.M..  Same time the Soleim's will be doing a business & marriage seminar at the Great Commission Church in Kherson. 
June 22nd - Friday at 9:00 A.M. minister in the orphanage in Nova Zbourievka;  Then we will be going to our Youth Camp, one hour out of Kherson where we will have a leaders fellowship time.
June 23rd - Saturday 10:00 A.M. visiting Nova Mayachka orphanage and at 6:00 P.M. (International Day of the Child Celebration in Kherson weekend begins. 
June 24th - Sunday 10:00 A.M. Church service at the Great Commission church in Kherson: Afternoon - preparing for the concert and the  Citywide Concert begins at 7:00 P.M.
June 24th - Sunday 8:00 P.M. The Soleims and Almans depart on the night train from Kherson to Kiev.
June 25th - Monday 8:40 P.M. team takes the night train from Kherson to Kiev.  Day off!
June 26th - Tuesday A.M. arrive into Kiev (DAY OFF)
June 27th - Wednesday Depart from Kiev to Amsterdam; Overnight in Amsterdam
June 28th - Say farewell to our team from the States and Richard & Sara, with her father, Michael Ilyin continue on to Moscow and then to Perm, Siberia until July 26th. 
July 1st - will be ministering in Moscow
July 2nd through 26th will be ministering in villages throughout Siberia.  Need special covering in prayer.  During this time Richard will be undergoing lymphatic cleansing treatment which will address some of his major health issues.  Please pray for his healing and believe with us for the cost of the treatment as we are presently $5,000 short of meeting our budget there. 
You can reach us by email in our absence and our schedule for return home to Seattle will be July 26th. 
Thank you for your covering and your fervent prayers.  Believing for a mighty Harvest of souls and to be able to purchase at least 100,000 Russian New Testaments for the new converts and for the outreaches of the churches that we will be working with in Ukraine and Russia.  Our God is a mighty God and let Him be mighty in you and through you.  Our U.S. office of Impact Ministries will be able to wire any funding that comes in, in our absence.  So please give as the Lord directs. 
Yours for Souls,
Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (206) 321-2407  email:

Thursday, May 24, 2007


After Sara's mother's home-going (Nadejda Ilyin); Sara needed a time of healing and renewal. However, Sara being as unique as she is has a different way of expressing that renewal. She is flying down to join Leah, our daughter in California in order to truck up Leah's personal belongings back to Seattle after a year's absence in West Hollywood. While in California Leah ministered at the Oasis Church as well as did some work at the Dream Center with Pastor Matthew Burnett. We are requesting for your prayers as it makes the 1,500 mile trip back home driving a big U-haul truck challenging. They plan to depart on Sunday afternoon on May 27th, hoping to arrive in Seattle by Tuesday.

Over this same week-end, Richard will be preaching at the Ukrainian Assembly of God Church in Kent, Washington on May 27th at 10:00 in the morning and 6:00 P.M. The emphasis will be, "Pentecost Today" as this is the Pentecost week-end. The address is:

Ukrainian Assembly of God Church
Pastor Alexander Shevchenko
23435 - 104th Ave. S.E.
Kent, WA. 98031 Tel: (253) 850-7111

It would be great if we could see some of our friends from that area in the service. Thank you so much for being part of our lives, ministry and family. Thank you for your prayers. God bless you and use you for His Kingdom.

In Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. Box 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 882-0761 email:

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Translated “Chat” session with Erika Rodriguez April 17th (from Mexico)

Hello My dear friend, please tell brother Richard and Sara that we are living the prayer he made, just as it happened with the teenagers in the retreat, it has now happened with the youth group.

3 Teenagers returned and they were unable to stop speaking in tongues even today they are unable to speak Spanish.  And Sunday night all the youth group prayed over the adults in the church and started ministering to them, and they started falling under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they prayed over a father and his little boy of 3 years old, and they both fell to the floor under the anointing of the Lord. Pastor Paco was very happy he received around 15 prophetic words from the young ones, it was so incredible, like 4 of them hugging him at the same time, and they left and another four came to pray over him and he was zapp on the floor, I cried and cried.  The meeting finished at 12:30 but not until the pastor was able to grab the microphone and dismiss us, it was an amazing scene, to see the youth hugging the parents, and the elderly so beautiful!  Many are still speaking in tongues unable to speak a word in Spanish, other young ones are speaking with an American accent, others are speaking in Chinese, a sister started speaking in portuguese, we took out all the chairs, everything and everybody were laying on the floor under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.   This is crazy but "Welcome Precious Holy Sprit" a sister was telling me, that from another church where she used to attend before, they called her and asked her what are we doing at the Church "La Fe" because everywhere they hear of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the Lord is bringing,   


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News from Monterey Mexican Nationals


Beloved  Brother Richard and Sister Sara,

Thank you for sharing such glorious and precious testimony, with us, we are praying for the comfort of the Holy Spirit  over your lives, you are in our hearts.

Thank you for being such a living testimony of your love, passion and surrender to the obedience and voice of the Holy Spirit, the breakthrough and the open heavens you left in the church and in the lives of many of us.  There are no words that could describe what the Holy Spirit has been orchestrating. We've been in the new building for 2 weeks now… and there is such a Joy and rejoice during praise, a brokenness in the worship and an amazing conviction during the message.  Pastor Paco is not even finished sharing the message and the souls are coming to Christ.  Last week 50 new souls came to accept the Lord,  it's like waves of the presence of the Holy Spirit bathing his church.  I have no words to describe what the Holy Spirit is doing… the teenagers/youth group are doing evangelistic campaigns in schools, and parks.  The church is going for evangelistic outreaches, there is a hunger like never before for His Presence, Thank YOU.  Thank you for literally being at the altar of sacrifice and pay the price so we could live these glorious times which we are guarding with a holy reverence because we don't want the visitation to end.  The first Sunday in the new building the church was completely full, there were people even standing, over a 1,000 people.  There is a great expectation on what Will Jesus do Today?, it's so precious….no earthly words can describe the visitation of the groom to the bride, Thank YOU.

In my life there has been a complete revolution that the Lord has brought to my heart, been learning about all this new area, which I had no idea of,  heavens have been left open at home, in the middle of the  night .. the Holy Spirit wakes me up to have communion with him there is a hunger and thirst, so many words in the Bible have come alive.  I know you understand me… there are no words to describe this…his presence its so beautiful…unspeakable… just to be there and wait on him… Thank you! Thank you!

My heart will always be full of gratitude and honor to you for what you did for this servant.

How are you sister Sara?  How is brother Richard?  His feet?  We are praying for you.

Receive Rufeshka and Ignacio's Love and prayers as well, she left today to Quito Ecuador to minister, but sends her Love and prayers.

I Love you,



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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


As you may or may not have heard, Sara and I with great personal regret celebrated Nadejda Ilyin's "HOME GOING" May 3rd, 2007What you didn't hear was the glorious account of over a week of being suspended, sometimes in heaven, sometimes on earth and sometimes between the two.  God answered Sara's prayer in that she was allowed to see her mother upon our return from ministering in Mexico.  What a glorious several weeks the family had, singing the songs of the Lord, reading the Word of God aloud and praying one for another. 
In the final days of Nadejda's life, she helped us unlock some Spiritual secrets.  For example: She said there is a huge difference between heavenly angels and earthly angels.  The heavenly angels not only are bigger with a beautiful tan, bronze look, with skin that is so radiant that it shines like it was on fire, but they are also different in that they often speak in three's saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy," "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah," and "AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!"  In one of these meetings with mom, we were introduced to Moses, who by the way according to mom's account is very tall.  We also by her accounting were introduced to King David and to Isaiah.  These introductions were paled by our being personally introduced to the Heavenly host by mom.  For example: Nadejda would say, "This is Richard, Sara's husband.  He is a preacher of the Gospel  you know and he has a pure heart."  My brother in law, Paul was introduced as a singer in the church choir and was said to be a "Nazarite", again, with a pure heart.  At these moments, Nadejda recognized everyone coming into the room; knew them on their first name basis but would look past them and introduce them to the heavenly host.  These final days were punctuated by her releasing every one that had offended her and every thought of ill will plus interceded prophetically over each one of our lives.  We saw a sense of humor with a gregarious laughter, underscoring her speech. 
One of the things we saw her do which is so uncharacteristic of her conservative, Slavic up-bringing, is she would put both thumbs up in response to what the angels were saying and doing.  With a huge smile on her face, she would say, "Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah" and end it with "AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!. The doctors and nurses were amazed, though her body was ravaged by cancer as her organs closed down, she was in NO PAIN. She was quick to tell us that the water we were giving her was so polluted and dirty compared to the pure, refreshing water of heaven that satisfies the soul. 
Nadejda left a legacy of seven children and their spouses, 21 grandchildren and one great grandchild, all redeemed and serving Christ with gladness.  She will be greatly missed due to her fervent prayers, intercession and her passion for the Word and the lost.  It will take many intercessors to fill the gap and take her place.  A few of you have responded in the memorial contribution that we have opened up in honor of Nadejda's memory, which being translated, means, 'HOPE". Michael, Nadejda's husband will be going to Siberia with us in the end of June and July to continue the work and vision the Lord enabled them to begin. So in order to continue the legacy of helping the poor, the homeless and the orphaned, from Siberia to Central China, please send your tax deductible contributions to:
IMPACT MINISTRIES, marking the memo line: "HOPE FUND".
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Thank you for all your prayers, phone calls, emails, cards and letters.  What would any of us do without the comfort of the Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ!
Yours in Christ for Souls,
Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries 

The blogger writes: The death of the saints is precious in the sight of the Lord. Nadejda was in transition from this world into eternity, this is very different from spiritalists and seers. Please understand that Nadejda was a spectacular saint, and had a spectacular going home to heaven. I hope we are all encouraged by the glimpse of heavenly hosts reaveled in this blog, and realize how important intersessors are.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Dear family & Friends

We thank everyone for their prayers and caring via flowers, cards, meals, visits and phone calls.  Nadejda Ilyin, Sara's mother, our friend, our prayer covering went home to be with the Lord shortly after 6:00 A.M. May 3rd, 2007, at age 84 peacefully, passing away into the arms of Jesus at home, surrounded by her loving family.
"...the time of my departure is at hand.  I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the Faith.  Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing."  II Tim. 4:6-8
Truly our mother fought a good fight, finished the course and now is receiving her crown and her reward at the feet of Jesus Christ, The One Who she passionately loved and served all the days of her life.  We celebrate with her and ask for the comfort of the Holy Spirit for the family and the grieving.  We pray for God's peace, salvation and blessing to be upon all your loved ones.
Nadejda said she had one more mission to accomplish.  We believe that her mission was fulfilled and complete as she saw a unified family of seven children, their spouses, 21 grandchildren and one great grandchild, all serving God.
In their retirement, Michael and Nadejda Ilyin worked passionately in Third World countries for the poor and underprivileged and at risk children.  We have set up a memorial fund in Nadejda's memory so in lieu of flowers, donations could be sent to continue their vision of reaching the lost, helping the widows, and the orphans. Please send donations to: "HOPE FUND" (Nadejda in Russian means 'Hope'):
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 992-0761

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


In 2006 when we were picked up at the airport by Ruth & Ignasio. They asked if they could pray for us. Before we even left the airport parking area in Monterrey, Mexico, the prayer had changed to prophecy. Almost all the way from the airport to the hotel, the Lord spoke prophetically into our lives, highlighting prayer burdens that we have had for years and were not verbalized to anyone. When we arrived to the hotel where the conference would be held the next day, Ruth said to us, "One more thing." I thought to myself, "Could we possibly handle this, 'one more thing'? As already we were in a puddle of tears in the van. The 'One more thing' she referenced was a vision her father had forty-five years earlier. As a missionary to Southern Mexico among the Chapas people, Ruth's father saw a vision. Ruth said, "these are his exact words".
"In the end of days a missionary couple from Russia will be coming to Mexico. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and comes from a German background. His wife is Russian, Jewish and born in China. God will use them as a stirring stick to bring revival to many of the Churches in Mexico."
Then sister Ruth turned and pointed to us and said, "You are the fulfillment of that prophetic word".

This now is our second ministry trip to Mexico in recent years. We are seeing God fulfill His prophetic word. On Thursday night last week at the youth camp, the prophetic Word that the Lord declared through us was that He would pour out His Holy Spirit even in the night time and they would be surprised at the magnitude of it in the morning. God filled several people with the Holy Spirit and so mighty was their infilling of the Holy Spirit that some of them couldn't speak in Spanish for days. When calling friends and family or talking to their friends at camp, they replied in tongues. They tried to tell their family on the phone what had happened and again could only speak in the language of the Holy Spirit. Some were so mightily touched that for four days, they were not able to speak in Spanish and were concerned how they would talk once they had to go back to school today.

Two nights later, a similar outpouring of the Holy Spirit fell upon the college career camp, 18 through 30 years of age. Here the promise of the Lord was that He would give waters for them to swim in. At the leading of the Lord, we took water from our water bottle and made a line of declaration across the sanctuary of the camp. Many of the young people just where they knelt were inside that line were touched mightily by the Lord. The Word of the Lord to me just as I was leaving the camp was that the Lord had more in store for them the next day. Their service the next morning started at 10:00 A.M. and it went until 5:00 P.M. without any break. Manna from heaven came down. The youth then traveled from the camp to their evening church service at 6:30 P.M. in Monterrey. They were asked to share testimonies that night in their church as to what God had done to them at camp. One of the words Sara received was that God would make them a flame of fire and obviously the fire of God was still burning. Many testified that they still felt like they were in an inferno of God's Holy Fire.

The youth began ministering to the people in the church and with the churchbeing packed to capacity, standing room only and people sitting on the floor, things got a bit messy in the natural, but glorious in the Spiritual.As people were being prayed for by the young people, the Holy Spirit fell on the congregation as well as on staff and leadership of the church. The 6:30 service dismissed sometime after 12:30 at night.

We thank all of our prayer partners for their prayer covering and we need special focused prayer for this coming week-end as we start ministeringFriday, Saturday, (four times on Sunday) and Sara is ministering in anotherlocation in the evening. We need the stamina of the Holy Spirit and we need a refreshing from the Holy Ghost. After Sunday we have meetings daily until the April 26th, where we leave to minister in Panama until May 3rd. There we have meetings daily in churches as well as city wide crusades. We want God's Miraculous power to come down upon His people and to bring in a mighty harvest of Souls in Panama. Praying for God's signs and wonders to accompany God's Word so that the people will be established not in the words of man's wisdom but in power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.

Please pray for our health as well. God bless.

Richard &andp; Sara Michalski

with Impact Ministries

P.O. BOX 2500

REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500

Monday, April 16, 2007

Ministry update from Monterrey Mexico

We are presently ministering in churches in Monterrey, Mexico and just finished a fantastic week-end at King's Castle churches. Have been invited back for their Mission's Convention on November 24th through Dec. 2nd of this year.

The services have been overwhelming where there have been people coming to Christ in every service, people been healed and set free by the power of Jesus Christ. Praise God! Thank you for your prayers, your sacrificial giving and your investment into our lives and ministry. Your partnering with us makes an eternal difference in the souls the Lord touches. We have seen Salvations in every service, healings and the word of Knowledge in deliverance affecting scores of individuals and families. We were in eight hours of services on Sunday, but thanks to the prayers of God's people, our health is strong.

We will be in Panama from the 26th of April through May 2nd in citywide crusades and churches, and will be returning home to Seattle on May 4th.

The Impact ministries support group writes: We are witnessing an amazing move of God on this trip. This trip to Central America and Mexico is the "spectacular" fulfilment of 3 documented prophecies. The first prophetic word was given in Mexico over 30 years ago, and the other 2 prophetic words were given in 2006. This trip to Mexico and Panama is just the first leg of this prophetic journey which will involve other nations Including India and China.

Our love to the Church Body,

Richard & Sara Michalski

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Dear Faith Partners,
As this letter reaches you, we are in the midst of ministry in Monterrey, Mexico.  God has opened to us an effectual door of favor within the King's Castle, Methodist and Foursquare Churches.  Our ministry has challenged many church Fellowships for further involvement in world missions.  With your prayers we have seen many Salvation's, healings and deliverances. God has been moving mightily in every service. 
In the midst of all this Spiritual warfare, we are contending for the healing in Sara's mother, Nadia from cancer in the liver as well as several friends in Alaska who are battling cancer.  Please agree with us that Christ will win the victory at all fronts.  
In two weeks our itinerary takes us to the nation of Panama, where we will be working with the indigenous churches, in citywide outreaches and evangelism events.  We need your special prayers for physical strength, Spiritual power and yoke breaking anointing to be deposited on the Panama Fellowships. Truly without Christ we can do nothing.We thank you for linking your faith and agreement with ours for a great HARVEST in LATIN AMERICA. 
Our time in May is focused on several mission's conferences and preparation for departure to Ukraine and Russia from June 15th through July 21st.  In the UKRAINE  we will be celebrating THE INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE CHILD, which gives us an opportunity for outdoor concerts and evangelism events.  We are trusting God to supply the churches under our covering a minimum of 100,000 Russian and Ukrainian New Testaments.  This will fuel the fires of evangelism across Russia and the Ukraine for months to come.  The purchase price of these New Testaments, delivered into the hands of our churches and our distribution teams are . 25 cents per copy, which totals to $25,000 US dollars.  Any part of this SEED SOWN IN RUSSIA or UKRAINE soil has eternal results and guaranteed, never to return lifeless or void but bring back upon its sowing, thirty, sixty and one hundred returns.  
Once again, thank you for taking part and partnering with us in reaping the ripened fields of Eastern Europe and The Far East.
Yours for Myriads & millions Lost,
Richard & Sara Michalski 
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 882-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407

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Impact Ministries has just broken the one million New Testament mark of distribution and delivery of Chinese New Testaments into the heart of China's Revival. Over the last 16 months, we have partnered together with the sacrificial giving of individuals and churches from Mexico, North America, Europe and even Siberia. Together, this milestone of Scripture penetration into the hands of one million Chinese believers will make a strategic difference in time and eternity. For every Scripture in China, the estimate is that we affect between 5 to 15 souls, due primarily to two crucial factors. The hunger for God's Word is so great and the supply of accessible Scriptures for The House Cell Church are so few.

There is an estimated 70 million Chinese believers awaiting their first time copies of the Word of God. Although we have reached this milestone of one million New Testaments, yet you can see that our task is far from being completed.

We invite any additional interested persons to join us in Phase II of our "Operation Precious Pearls" Project. Impact Ministries is developing what we feel and believe will be one of the finest New Testaments available in Chinese. Features of this Testament will include, Psalms and Proverbs, center reference column, plan of Salvation, map helps and possibly a small glossary or concordance.

Your assistance in this developmental stage would be as greatly needed as the set up work and production cost are extremely heavy to do this project right. Once the initial production is completed, we then will be able to buy these Gospel units at approximately .25 - .30cents each. This will include transport and distribution cost into the heart of China.

Please join us in satisfying one of the greatest, Spiritual births human history has ever known. "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord God, "That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the Words of the Lord. They shall wander from sea to sea, And from north to east; They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the Lord, But shall not find it." Amos 8:11-12 NKJV.

Help us at Impact satisfy what their souls are thirsting for, GOD'S ETERNAL WORD! Your contributions, small or great would be greatly appreciated by us and by the waiting Chinese Church. Be sure to mark the memo line, "Operation Precious Pearls". Should you desire a short DVD for your church group or Fellowship to promote this project, please include that information with your donation. We will send you "China Cry" DVD.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

urgent prayer request

Dear Friends,
We just got word from my brother Fred and my sister, Liz who live in Vernon, B.C. Canada that my mother is very sick (Sara Michalski's mom).  We had just returned less than two weeks ago from visiting mom & dad in Canada due to mom's terrible infection in her leg.  The Lord had touched her miraculously, where there were running sores and small holes in her leg, with excrutiating pain for over a month.  After prayer her wounds began to heal quickly and new skin was forming within days and mom was able to walk without pain. Praise God. 
However, my mother has been losing weight continually and my brother said that due to her skin turning jaundice,  they took her into the hospital yesterday only to find out that she has stones in her gall bladder and a huge, cancerous tumor on her liver.  The doctors will try to sonically try to break the stones up. but said the liver was inoperative.   The doctors have given my mother at the most two months to live as they say that the bile that has accumulated in her body from the tumor is so much that various parts of her body organs  are shutting down.
Despite the reports from the doctors, we are believing God for another major miracle for my mother's health condition and are believing that Jesus is going to raise her up again.  We are asking you, our dear friends and anyone you know to pray for my mom, (Nadia Ilyin).  My father is taking this situation quite hard as they have been married for 66 years, worked together side, by side and ministered in the Tundra and Siberia the last 9 years and then had the opportunity of ministering in China last year.  We are praying for God to intervene with His power to heal as He has done so many times in the past.  May His will be done. 
Yours in Christ,
Sara & Richard Michalski

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Deep in the heart of Siberia, sixteen time zones from the West Coast, we met a Church Body that captured our hearts. Like so many other precious new church plants in Russia, dedication and sacrifice was the norm among our brethren in the Far East. Luba, the pastors wife, a mother of six children had been hand rinsing and ringing clothing for her family. Besides her own family, she was also washing and ringing the bedding and clothing for a total of nearly 70 others in the church's children's orphanage and women and men's Rehabilitation Center. She has been doing this faithfully for years as unto the Lord. Although her hands are raw, we noticed a song in her heart every morning, a smile on her face and a love for God's people and the privilege to serve. While in Angarsk, Siberia, 40 kilometers out of Irkutsk, she served us three meals a day and didn't miss a single solitary meeting which sometimes lasted five and six hours.

It is this kind of dedication that stretches our own commitment level and draws us into wanting to participate with their vision, burden and calling. I thought of a great hymn of the Church with the theme, "Little is much when God is in it". Just for the mere cost of a washer and dryer, this church could be advanced in its challenging young men and women to become free from drugs and alcohol and employ several people in the area of the laundry industry. A commercial washer and dryer would retail for approximately $1,600 U.S. dollars. Some of these funds have come in which will free up some of the most dedicated people in God's Kingdom for that church and that region to minister in other affective areas. These Rehabilitation Centers are in actual fact, training centers for future pastors and Christian workers as has been the pattern throughout our travels in these parts of Siberia.

Something as little as a washer and dryer could be a launching vehicle for major church plants and ministry throughout the area in days to come. We saw over 53 church plants in the Siberian region over the last several years with scores of others being targeted by year end. Your contribution, great or small would be eternally appreciated by these precious ones so full of the joy of the Lord which is their strength.

Richard & Sara Michalski
With Impact Ministries
P.O. Box 2500
Redmond, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 882-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407

Friday, February 16, 2007

Operation Precious Pearls

Thank you so much for partnering with us in the vision of God's heart. Where Russia was in the early 70's as pertained to need for Bibles, so China is presently. An area of prayer is that at the highest levels of Russian and Chinese government, somebody who is affiliated with our ministry is talking to high ranking Soviet officials about a gesture of good will in view of the up-coming Olympics in China. Russia is looking at importing 2 million, full Chinese Bibles as an official gift to the Chinese people, celebrating their Olympic games in 2008. These Bibles will be youth oriented with pictures of Olympic events. The printing will cost approximately $3.00 each Bible delivered into China. Impact Ministries has been asked to be directly involved in over-sighting this project. We are praying for God's wisdom and sealing of God's grace as to what direction to take.

If we embrace this Chinese new project, we will call it, "Operation Precious Pearls". Please pray with us for God's leading, for people and personnel and finances to make it all happen. Thank you for your mutual concern for China and thank you for the offering that will be taken for the warehoused Chinese New Testaments which we are still able to buy out at five per dollar.

Yours in Christ for Myriads and Millions Lost,

Richard & Sara Michalski
with Impact Ministries
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel. (425) 882-0761 email:

Tuesday, February 6, 2007


As the mission's Mercedes van pressed its way, two hours out of the city of Perm, in the heart of the Ural Mountains, the roads became covered with compact snow and ice. To our stunned amazement, coming the other way on a little country road were three sleds driven by one horse each. We stopped to take pictures, only to be invited by the lead sled to take a ride on this typical Russian, Siberian sleigh. With an arched, wood harness and sleigh-bells gently jingling, the horse responded to the tug on the reigns and off went Sara, her brother Fred and Merlin, our team member. About ten minutes later upon their return, we had discovered that the proprietor of these sleds and horses was a local mayor and former Communist Party director. He had offered these sled rides to the local orphans out of the goodness of his heart just to cheer them up at this Christmas Season. As Fred and Merlin departed to take better pictures, Sara pressed the conversation from the temporal to the eternal. It wasn't long before the Holy Spirit did its work in drawing men to Jesus. In just a few moments time, this divine appointment, due to our obedience, turned out to be, NO DISSAPOINTMENT!

Just like the encounter of Philip and the eunuch in the book of Acts, the man's inquiring heart said, "What must I do to be saved?" This truly was a miracle encounter as the Holy Spirit convinced this man, his good deeds; even to the least of these orphan children was not adequate for his salvation. As is so often the case, after three generations of Communism and Atheism, Sara had to help him formulate a sincere heart-felt sinner's prayer.

Upon completing his calling on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, noticeable tears were brimming at the corners of his eyes. His heart had been touched and transformed by the presence of Jesus Christ. Now his good works would have eternal merit, as they were done in the Name of the Lord. He would now be showing forth God's goodness and mercy to his generation and to the least of these little ones. Truly, our steps are ordered of the Lord, even chance encounters or so we assume they are, can be divine appointments by the directive of the Spirit of God to the salvation of friends, family and total strangers.

Our hearts greatly rejoiced as we solidified the encounter with a prayer of thanksgiving in our vehicle as we pressed further to be part of an orphanage outreach in the next village. All the while, our hearts were overwhelmed in reflection on heavens rejoicing for one sinner who repented. Daily encounters such as these were evident due to the covering of prayers of God's people. Some had sown, some had watered and this was God's hour to bring in the increase. Siberia is ready for a mighty harvest of salvation. Prophetically, God spoke that Siberia would become as a watered garden, blossoming and blooming abundantly, filled with abounding and remaining fruit at every frontier.

Help us sow water and harvest in the vastness of this grand land with its great people, twice the land area of the Continental United States. The church plants in the last ten years can still be numbered in the low hundreds. Millions await their first time hearing of the Gospel and the planting of their lives in a local Church Body with pastors after the heart of God. Impact Ministries is called to work alongside these indigenous churches, lifting up their hands as Hur and Joshua did for Moses, until the battle is won and the victory is the Lord's. Thank you for participating with your prayers and with your giving.


Sara, Merlin and I have just returned from a 21 day, Siberian ministry tour which was a balance between crusade services and leadership conferences. The astounding weather factor played a key role in increasing the attendance of all the major events. It should have been twenty below zero, snowing and blowing as a norm for this region, but the sun was out almost daily and the temperatures were in the mid to a high twenties Fahrenheit. This was so unusual that bears in remote areas were coming out of hibernation, lakes and rivers which are normally frozen, were frost free and permafrost in many parts of the Tundra was melting. The local people kept commenting that the records showed that there has not been weather like this in a hundred years. We believe all of this was answered prayer to the petition of God's people as we saw hundreds saved, healed and touched by the power of God's deliverance.

One village church that comes graphically to mind had been allowed to build their wood-plank sanctuary but had exhausted their revenue in one crucial area and that was a central heating system. The piping and boiler works were in place but the cost of tapping into the local gas line was something that the church cannot afford. Needless to say, this church was extremely thankful for the warm weather and for the close fellowship of their small congregation, bundled together in their winter clothing. What a statement could be made to their community and to the surrounding villages of Siberia that the Body of Christ is more than just a local representation, but around the world, It has family members who genuinely care. The Word declares, "When one part of the Body suffers, we all suffer." The Word encourages us to rejoice with those that rejoice. What would happen if the greater Body of Christ helped pay their $2,000 dollar, gas hook-up charge?
What a resounding testimony this would be to both the Redeemed and the unregenerated of the community.

Nestled deep in the Northern Ural Mountains, this church is waiting on God, believing for a miracle and thanking God for every new day where the temperature doesn't plummet to minus 40. We could warm the coggles of their heart and cause the heavens to rejoice by participating in this divine opportunity in Yanina, Siberia.

Sara and I are prayerfully planning on returning to this area in March and both personally over-see the gift of your kindness and generosity. This would be a life changing statement for this church, their people and their little community. We hope to hear from you as God directs.

Yours in Christ,

Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500
Tel: (425) 885-0761 or cell: (206) 321-2407

Saturday, January 20, 2007

News From Siberia

Richard and Sarah had a spectacular group of meetings and ministry time in Perm, numerous salvations and a great move of the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

Unfortunately Richard became progressively worse in health, with his body retaining fluids and his blood pressure rising to the point that he should be in the hospital and cancel the rest of the trip. They had to rest for several days, but felt that God's call was on this trip and they were not going to give up. The attending doctor went into all night prayer Wednesday night. The next morning the doctor checked out Richard again, and pronounced a miracle healing. His physical appearance had a marked change, and the water retention problem disappeared. His blood pressure returned to normal, and the doctor pronounced him ok for travel. To quote them: The doctor was amazed and they were all rejoicing in the lord. The trip is back on schedule.

They can be reached by phone for several day's now (try either one and be mindful of the timezone change)
011 3912 776 536
011 8913 838 9290

Edit: Their son Jason Michalski Preached at the University District Campus just north of the University of Washington. In the middle of the sermon (32 minutes into it) you can hear the testimony of Richards miraculous healing. God is truly Awesome!
Generation Church: January 24th 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Good Report From The Airport

Sara and Richard Michalski along with Merlin left from Seattle to Siberia yesterday January 10th. After talking to Karen, Merlin's wife today, we received a story of what happened as they checked in for the flight. Sara had loaded 3 of their bags at home with a weight a little over 70 pounds each, stuffed full of gifts for orphans. They put the first bag on the scales and it hit over 70 pounds, the weight limit on luggage changed to 50 pounds at the first of this year. They took that bag off and prayed and then loaded the all of the other bags on the scales at the baggage check in. All of the bags came in under 50 pounds on the scale including the first bag that hit the scales at over 70 pounds just a few moments earlier. Even Merlin's bags which he pre weighed came in with less weight than what they weighed at home. The Lady who was checking the bags looked dumbfounded and said something like that is strange. It is good to see that God's Angels are still supporting certain forms of smuggling.

The Russian Churches that are on their planned route have been praying and fasting for this trip for the last 20 days. There should be some great reports. They will not be able to send any news until they get near a computer and most of the locations do not have computers they can use.

Friday, January 5, 2007

December Newsletter

Dear Family in the Faith,
We trust you have had a blessed Christmas with your family and friends.  Sara and I enjoyed a great Christmas with all of our family.  We are looking forward to a God directed and anointed time of Harvest in the New Year. 
In January, our calendar has rolled back to departing for Siberia on January 16th instead of the 10th into the Far East Regions where we have never gone to before.  We will be preaching in crusades in four cities for the first time: Ekaterinburg, Bratsk, Krasnayarsk, Angarsk.  We will be returning to cities where we have preached in Perm and Irkutsk. 
To date, we have received $1,600 dollars toward our $5,000 dollar budget needed for transportation and land cost.  This does not include several thousand dollars needed to purchase New Testaments for the new converts or the purchase of additional Chinese New Testaments to be released from the warehouse.  As you may know, this year we have already purchased and delivered half of the one million Chinese New Testaments from an Islamic Republic to the heart of China's Revival.  Our goal, with your help and God's is to empty the other half of the warehouse as Chinas Church has an estimated 75 million members, desiring their first time Scripture portions. 
You can help us make an eternal difference, whether in Siberia or in Northern China, we need some miracle releases between now and our departure on January 16th.  If you would like a short China DVD to get your friends and family involved, then please email us with your mailing address and we will get it out to you as soon as possible.  Praying to hear from you TODAY AS TO THE LEVEL OF YOUR INVOLVEMENT and we ask you to believe with us for the HARVEST OF THOUSANDS OF SOULS IN SIBERIA
Please contact us via email, phone or regular mail so we can rejoice in the meeting of our budget with thanksgiving to God. 
Yours for Myriads and Millions Lost,
Richard & Sara Michalski
P.O. BOX 2500
REDMOND, WA. 98073-2500